Shane Nanneman
MGMT 331
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What are Tweens?
Tweens are the cohort group that are the ages between 8 years of age and 12 years of age. (Marketing to Tweens) This group are almost to the teenager stage, but not quite there. They also cannot be considered kids, either. Thus, tween became the word that people use to describe this group. The group that is be-tween the group of kids and teenagers, or are also considered preteens.
What is the overall description of the group (demographics: education, income, location, marriage, children, etc., percentage of the population)?
The cohort group, “Tweens”, educational status is going to make up a majority of students in middle school.
The members of this cohort group do not have jobs,
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unless you count allowances that they get from their parents, which means that they do not have any form of income. The location of tweens is all across the country. Most families have a tween, or will have a tween, as children grow older and fall into this cohort group. Most of the tweens are in school. Marriage and children also do not apply to this group, due to the fact that they are not old enough to do so.
The population of this cohort group in America makes up about 20 million boys and girls. (Marketing to Tweens)
What are the attitudes of this age group?
The attitudes that the tween cohort group possess are of those that they take influence from their surroundings and social groups. Most of this group feel that parents and other adults do not understand them, and if this misunderstanding gets out of hand, the tween will get rebellious. Also this group of people want to make good impressions on members of their social group. They want to impress other tweens or teenagers, so that they fit in. They do this by wanting the best clothes, so that they look cool and just like others. This group can be impressed by social status very easily.
What are the spending/saving habits of this group?
The spending habits of Tweens consist that most of this group will spend 82% of their money that they obtain on movies, books, music, and other forms of entertainment. (Marketing to
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Tweens) While other members will spend 57% of their money on food and beverages and 40% on clothing and shoes. (Marketing to Tweens) Yet, they still are somewhat in the kids group, 42% of their money they will spend on toys. (Marketing to Tweens) They will spend their money on items that other members have gotten, so that they can fit in with them. The saving habits of this group will consist of not much at all.
They are getting money from their parents and do not have any savings plan put into place.
What is the product development for this cohort group?
As I have stated, tweens are influenced by their surroundings and want to fit in. “Skincare items such as lip gloss and glow in the dark nail polish” are a few products that the girls of this group will be influenced to buy. (Lambert) Also, they are coming into their own and finding their personality in this group. So being able to decorate their room with their style is another key factor for their cohort group.
What are some marketing (advertising and sales promotion) approaches to be used when targeting this group?
Tweens are just starting to use social media sites, as more and more of their friends are likely to do. Marketing on sites, like Facebook, will increase a company’s likelihood of capturing some of the tween business. Also, using advertising in magazines that the tweens read and the radio are other ways of gaining attention to this group. The message that you, as marketers, should be sending this group is that of being cool and fitting in with other members. Also, learning how to define yourself and your personality is another key message that marketers need to spread to the cohort group of
Tweens. What are Generation Xers? Members of this group consist of those people who were born between the years of 1965 and 1980. (Babin) Today the ages of this group are between 37-52. They are also known as the “latchkey kids”. (Babin) What is the overall description of the group (demographics: education, income, location, marriage, children, etc., percentage of the population)? The Generation Xers have an education status of being high school graduates and very few of them have college degrees. But that does not stop this cohort group from being successful in their businesses and leadership roles. The income level of this group is due to how much work that this group does each week. They work hard so that they can provide for their families, and some of them are even going back to college to get their college degree. Eighty-six percent of Generation X young adults work part-time or full-time; 70% spend 40 or more hours working and commuting each week; and 40% spend 50 or more hours each week working and commuting. (Miller) The location of this cohort group would be in rural communities or the suburbs of a city. This is also close to their children’s school because they want their children to get an education and have things that they did not growing up. Marriage and children for Generation X is very important. This is stemmed from the fact most of them did not have their parents around because they were working. Also, due to the fact that divorces are common for the parents of the “latchkey kids”. According to MetLife, the percentage of Americans in 2009 that belonged to the Generation X group was 16% and this population was split evenly between male and female. (MetLife) What are the attitudes of this age group? The attitudes of the Generation X group of people are driven to be successful. They work very hard so that they can give their families what they did not have when they were growing up. Most of the members of this group grew up without any parents around that much. This being so because their parents were both at work. Also, much of this group grew up in divorced family households. These reasons make the members of this group more family oriented. What are the spending/saving habits of this group? The spending habits of this group are that they buy the things that are important to them but also items that they want each time that they are paid. This is due to the fact that they did not have much growing up, so this is a way of reciprocating that fact. They buy the luxury items like cars and electronics. The saving habits, on the other end of the spectrum, are very lacking. Like I have said before, the members of this cohort group like to spend the money that they make. . In contrast, they do want to make sure that their children have what they need for their future. This includes saving for the child’s education. What is the product development for this cohort group? The product development for the members of Generation X is geared mainly toward items that are more on the luxury side. This includes cars, electronics and homes. Businesses should also develop products for the home, such as furnishings and items for family time. Members of this group are family oriented and time spent with family is very important to them. Product development also needs to consider the fact that most of the members have children and they want to buy the best for their children. What are some marketing (advertising and sales promotion) approaches to be used when targeting this group? The marketing approaches that are to be used when targeting the members of Generation X are centered around the Internet. This group of people were the ones that grew up when the Internet was starting. People of this group have learned to become Internet users. They do a lot of shopping online and they are looking for the new products that their families would enjoy using in their daily lives. Advertisements based on family values and children oriented are the best forms for this group. Also, social media sites are very important to this group. They want to keep in touch with their friends that grew up and moved away. What are Generation Yers? Generation Y is a really important generation to me because I am a member. The average age of the members is between 18 and 34. They were born from the parents of the Baby Boomers in the years of 1984 and 1995. (Babin) They are now referred to the Millennial Generation. This is a very largely populated cohort group. What is the overall description of the group (demographics: education, income, location, marriage, children, etc., percentage of the population)? The education status of this group is that of being very highly educated. Most of this group have college degrees and are very technologically savvy. They use technology in their everyday lives to learn new things and for social contacts. The income status of this group is that most of them want their freedom but do not want to be tied down anywhere. “A majority of the individuals are underemployed and will take on odd jobs to help pay their bills.” (Babin) The Generation Yers have a lot of debt that has accumulated during their younger years, especially during time in college. The location of the members of this cohort group are living in the urban cities and prefer it that way. They like the freedom and enjoy the numerous activities that cities have to offer. A lot of these members will move back in with their parents until they are financially stable, due to the fact that they have accumulated a lot of debt in their younger years. Marriage and children are both put on hold for the members of this group. They feel that they need to be financially stable before jumping into either one of those tasks. What are the attitudes of this age group? The attitudes of the Generation Y group are those around building relationships and keeping them. This is one of many reasons that technology helps with this. This group also “tends to keep in close contact with their parents.” (Babin) This group enjoys their freedom and wants to try new things. What are the spending/saving habits of this group? The spending habits of this group are outlandish and most have accumulated a lot of debt in their college years. They spend money to pay their bills, which being that they are underemployed, the bills take a big chunk of it. The saving habits are due to their spending habits. Most of the group have been forced to move back with their parents to save money and pay off the huge amount of debt. (Babin) What is the product development for this cohort group? The product development for this group is aimed at technology and keeping in contact with social relationships. This is mainly in terms of phones and other Internet accessible devices. This Generation wants to keep up with the fastly-growing world of technology. I would also add that houses that are on sale in residential neighborhoods or apartments for rent are other product developments for this group. What are some marketing (advertising and sales promotion) approaches to be used when targeting this group? The marketing approaches that work best to target this group are about the same as Generation X. They are all about technology and their phones. Social media sites, such as Facebook and Twitter would be great approaches to target this group. The members of this group would enjoy looking on the Internet at advertisements about the newest products, especially technology. Works Cited Page Babin, B. (2016). Consumer Behavior (7th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning. Lambert, E. (2008). Targeting Trendy Tweens. Retrieved March 18, 2017, from Marketing to Tweens: Data, Spending Habits Dos & Don’ts to Reach This Fickle Age Group. (2008, June 19). Retrieved March 18, 2017, from Miller, Jon. (2011) Active, Balanced, and Happy: These young Americans are not bowling alone. Retrieved March 18, 2017 from Overview of America’s Gen Xers in 2009. (2013). Retrieved March 19, 2017, from
It helps them make a statement, and show who they really are as individuals. Today teens express their true selves through clothing, music, etc.
Their search for attention from parents who work too much or just do not care, peers, and others on social networks has an adverse influence on their behavior. Tween may misbehave in many ways in order to bring attention to them. They would seek popularity by smoking, drinking, and having sex, among other things. They would put on makeup and fancy clothes for the same reason. Tweens would misbehave in order to get their parents’ attention, and when they do not get that attention their behavior may escalate. Another problem with tweens’ need for attention is when they get too much of it and as the result believe that “the earth revolves around them.” This also results in tweens’ uncontrollable behavior in demanding attention and disregard for needs and wellbeing of
Hot Topic has many strengths including nationwide locations, a large quantity of stores that carry exclusive clothing lines such as Lip Service and Eye Candy, and their user-friendly, interactive website (Hot Topic, 2006). Their primary audience consists of 12 to 22 year-olds and they are known well throughout the Goth/Raver/Punk community (Hot Topic, 2006). Catering to this age group helps Hot Topic with their sales immensely. According to Global Information Inc, 15-24 year old teens were the top consumers for 2005 (Consumer Demo, 2005).
The number of men compared to women that I saw within this time was 22:16. The number of racial minorities that I saw compared to the number of whites was 7:31. The number of obviously homosexual couples that I saw compared to the number of obviously heterosexual couples was 1:7. The number of adults
During this past decade, advertising companies go out of their way just to get the new scoop or trend children are into, gathering information and distributing it to other companies. Information such as what types of idols they enjoy to wh...
United States. Howden, Lindsay M. and Julie A. Meyer. Age and Sex Composition:2010. Washington: GPO, 2011. PDF file.
Young people need more attention or acceptance from others comparing with people at other stages, as youths are experiencing a process of being adults. The formation of identity can be exemplified through fashion. Young people tend to establish their identities through the way they dress. As Hall,S (1997) stated, visible objects, like clothes may have a simple physical function, that is to cover the body and protect it from weather, however clothes also have a function which can double up as signs, which construct a meaning and carry a message. Fashion can also be a language that makes clothing possible become a self-communicative device at our disposal, plays a...
Evidence: According to the consulting firm, Packaged Facts, teenagers between the ages 12-17 in The U.S. have spent more than $200 billion in products (2011).
A cohort is a group of people who are the same age or belong to the same age group.
In society today, the clothing that someone wears is basically a billboard for his or her personal, or family's financial situation. For children in public schools, fitting in with the popular, or most fashionable people is probably the most important thing to them. When children are preoccupied wi...
The adolescence is proposing questions of self-identity and trying to understand more of self during these years. Mean Girls emphasizes these self-identifications by capturing different cliques and group of people that the high schoolers associate and label themselves as. For instance in the film, Cady is being accepted by Janis and Damian, but they want Cady to engage in a risky behavior by associating herself as “The Plastics.” This plan started out with the intention of trying to find out more high school secrets and to humiliate “The Plastics,” but Cady turned more like them as she received more acceptance by them. Mean Girls demonstrates not only the sense of self emerging during the adolescent age, but the struggles of all it takes to find a sense of self-identity. Cady eventually put her relationship with Janis and Damian, parents, and acquaintances of school on the line by trying to maintain her “Plastic”
Today's young people are generally unresponsive to traditional brand marketing messages. Teens spent $12 billion dollars last year according to a recent study of Teen Marketing Trends. Teens not only use their money on small purchases such as music, clothes and food but also have the power to influence high-end purchases of their parents. Every year younger teens are being marketed because that they are the future teenagers and brand loyalty is an important thing to many companies. If you can get an older child hooked on a product, they’ll generally love it for life. These younger age demographics are being marketed to because more and more kids have increasing spending power and authority over what is purchased in their household.
Our principal target segment will consist of rich and upper middle class individuals who would
Teens are an easy reach for advertisers. “Teens are jaded, bombarded by tons of advertising messages”(Winsor 1). There are advertisements at movie theaters, on television, and in teen magazines. Advertisers also reach teens through social media such as the internet and websites. Teens are constantly on Facebook and YouTube, whi...
A single generation consists of every person born within about a twenty year period. The three generations currently living on the planet are the baby boomers, Generation X, and Generation Y, also known as millennials . Baby boomers are the oldest generation still living. They are people born some time between 1940 to 1960 (Newman). This generation is the generation of folks who fought in World War II. After returning home from war, there was a great surge in population in the United States, hence the name Baby Boomers. Their children, Generation X, were born between the early 1960’s to the early 1980’s (Newman). This generation can also be known as the Post-World War II generation. The last generation, children of Generation X, are known as