What Does Old Sport Symbolize In The Great Gatsby

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“Gatsby believed in the green light, the orgastic future that year by year recedes before us. It eluded us then, but that’s no matter- tomorrow we will run faster, stretch out our arms farther… And one fine morning- ….”(Fitzgerald 188). F.Scott Fitzgerald pushed the limits of words. He brought so much more depth into simplistic words and phrases and gave them underlying meaning, and demanded readers to critically think about each sentence he wrote. To analyze each word and symbol he has in this piece of art would be next to impossible, but there are preeminent symbols such as the valley of ashes, the eyes of Doctor T.J Eckleburg, the motif of Gatsby’s phrase “Old Sport,” and most importantly, the green light. What did each mean? How did they …show more content…

He never succeeded in his American Dream. Daisy was materialistic, she loved expensive things and to be a prominent being in society. Her husband Tom was an old money polo player that seemed to sweep her off her feet. When Gatsby tried to make Daisy confess she never loved Tom, at first she conceded. But then she said, “ I did love him once- but I loved you too.” (140) She didn’t care about Gatsby or Tom, she wanted whatever would give her more. The valley of ashes existed between Gatsby’s home in West Egg and New York City. It served as an industrial dumping ground, where nothing of worth was in existence. Symbolically, some say it represents lifelessness and darkness, however I believe it represents failure in achieving the American Dream. As they drove through this town it was described as “.. a fantastic farm where ashes grow like wheat into ridges and hills … and ashes take the forms of houses and chimneys and rising smoke and finally, with a transcendent effort of men who move dimly and already crumbling through the powdery air.” (27). You see, this was the so the called dumping ground of those who amounted to nothing and for those who failed to achieve their dreams and goals. This depressing town was guarded by none other but an opthamologist on a …show more content…

When Gatsby knocks the clock off the mantle and then quickly catches it, it represents the time lost with Daisy and when he grabs it he is catching it and making up for what he lost with her. The phrase Old Sport was used 59 times in the finished film directed by Baz Luhrmann. It made Jay sound sophisticated and established his position in society. He often used this term to convince his peers that he truly was the person he was pretending to be. I think the weather seemed to be another symbol in the story. When Gatsby walked into Nick’s home the weather was beautiful and all was right, but when Daisy arrives the sky grew dark and it was storming, indicating foreshadowing for the storms and tribulations that were bound to come their way because of her interaction with Jay. It also showed how temperamental outward appearances were. The biggest symbol in The Great Gatsby was the green light situated at the end of Daisy's East Egg dock. It represents Gatsby's longing and desire for the future. He reached out in Chapter one and tried to almost grasp it. It was something he

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