What Does Civilization Mean

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What exactly does the word civilization mean? The word civilization is a somewhat complex word to define. Many people have their own interpretation of what this particular word means and what all it consists of. To me, the term civilization essentially implies the level of development at which individuals live amicably within communities. In terms of ancient civilization, it alludes particularly to the first settled and stable populations, that turned into the premises for later states, countries, and empires. Some common characteristics of civilization include architecture/cities, government, social structures, writing/records, etc. Culture on the other hand, can be defined as a way of expression. This is a way that an individual lives, …show more content…

Advanced cities/population centers are important to civilization, because it enables civic establishments to form. This allows for trade/bargaining, new ideas, etc to be shared. For example, Egyptian merchants traded goods with people from Mesopotamia, by using the Nile River. The second important characteristic of a civilization is skilled/specialized workers. Having skilled workers is important, because there are specific jobs and needs that must be addressed for a civilization to grow. Some examples of skilled/specialized workers are merchants, priests, farmers, etc. For example, there were artisans who were good at architecture, and helped in the building of the pyramids, in Egypt. There were scribes, who were the only people who knew how to write, so they wrote laws and kept records of pharaohs, laws, and everyday life. The third important characteristic of civilization is record keeping. This is important, because all societies must keep track of many things, such as population, growth, weather, historical events, etc. An example of this would be, how the Egyptians kept a record of the when the Nile River would flood, thus allowing for them to keep track of when a profitable time to plant/harvest was, due to mot of Egypt being mostly surrounded by

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