What Does Basketball Mean To Me

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I remember the first time I played basketball when I was eleven years old. Seventh grade was an epiphany to me, I started trying different instruments, joined different clubs, and learned a bunch of other things about myself in the process. Uneducated, I didn’t know a single thing about what I was doing and ended up running around the court equivalent to a lost puppy. But as the season went on, I ended up having a few of the utmost exciting times of my life, and ended up trying out for the team again in eighth grade. Losing just about every game didn’t matter to us, us girls just kept laughing, smiling, and playing the whole time, despite the score on the board. Freshman year is when I truly experienced the feeling of actually winning a game for once. Moving to a new school was a slap in the face for me, the girls were so serious about the playing the game and winning that I didn’t know what to do. I’ve never won before! Now, I definitely wasn’t the best on the team by any means, but I improved so much over the two years I spent in Wisconsin. If I learned anything from freshman year, it’s that you work for what you desire in life. You can’t just stand by and hope for …show more content…

Cognate to basketball, the main goal in life is to win, no matter what you do, but before you win you must learn how to lose first. In middle school, my team lost so much that I became a gracious loser, and I saw it as a chance to improve. Losing is just an opportunity to reflect on the game and learn how to greater rectify the game. Every foul counts as a chance to step back and say, “Ok, how can I avoid doing that in the future.” Keep working relentlessly, and all the sudden you start making trifling victories, such as scoring points, at that point you start winning games, and before you know it you’re fighting for the conference or regional

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