What Caused The Great Depression

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The term "Great Depression" refers to the global economic crisis triggered by the stock market crash on Wall Street in New York during October 1929, lasting throughout the thirties. The causes of the crisis are various. In 1927, the Wall Street financiers started to buy shares on the stock market, followed by people pushed to invest their capital on the stock exchange. There were people who committed all they had, encouraged by consultants that were either not honest nor capable. The voice on the street thought, suggested that this unexpected growth was going to end very soon. The Federal Reserve Bank, the US central bank, suggested to the banks not to borrow money for stock market investments. Banks begun to demand repayment of foreign loans, while a numerous amount of people began to withdraw their deposits, causing the collapse of many …show more content…

These dust bowls were caused by the non understanding of the lands, which caused the farmers to cultivate in the wrong way, at the wrong time, and with the wrong products. The fertile soil of the Great Plains was exposed in a way that caused the destruction of the grass which ensured hydration. Tons of topsoil were literally blown away by the dry fields and transported in the form of clouds for hundreds of miles. In 1934 one hundred million acres of farmland had lost all, or at least most of the land surface, blown away by the wind. In 193, powerful dust storms started, and carried millions of tons of black dirt, stinging and blinding. Over-exploitation of the ground caused the disaster. The land became dry, the wind came and, without warning, began the dust storms, blotting out the sun and leaving the dark entire cities. The dust began to cause disease. Many animals were found dead in the fields, his stomach covered with an inch of dirt, and people spat lumps of dirt. Many Americans left their homes and started looking for work

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