What Are The Similarities Between Harrison Bergeron And Anthem

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Evan Sharer
Sophomore English
Mr. Siflette
Anthem V Harrison Bergeron
Have you ever heard the saying that “everyone is equal”? What if that was taken to the extreme? Where you were forced to only become so smart, so strong and if you exceeded that limit you were punished. You would want to be free, right? In Anthem and Harrison Bergeron, two very similar dystopian texts there are these exact characters who see what is really going on and question it, investigate it until the leaders show their true colors. In “Anthem” by Ayn Rand, they separate men and women so it portrays the idea that togetherness is wrong only things done collectively can be right. The council of leaders sees to this as shown “ ” they use this as a way to control the society, if they aren’t …show more content…

For example, ‘Equality 7-2521 and Liberty 5-3000’ the two iconic characters in Anthem. They do this to represent that they are no better than their brothers. They are given a job, not of their choosing and are expected to stay with that job and group of people and have no friends.
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The council assigns their path of life, which means that they have no say in how they want their life to end up. The survivors have no control over their fate. The council gives it to you, and you obey; whether you like it or not.
In “Harrison Bergeron” by Kurt Vonnegut, in order for all people to be equal, the average citizens are handicapped hence “ ”. They do this so that the less intelligent or weaker people don’t feel like they’re unequal, so they turn the average citizens into technically mentally and physically disabled people so the others feel equal.
The citizens have no freedom. They are restrained by the Handicap General and do as they are commanded. They can do nothing for themselves, but the worst part is that they don’t even want to. They are convinced that everything is perfect, and they want it to stay that

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