What Are The Pros And Cons Of Citizens United V. Fec

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Citizens United v. FEC: Strangling the Political Rights of Individuals
Opening with an ambiguous John Edwards quote regarding nostalgia, partnered with cheap, yet eerie, orchestral music in the background, Hillary: The Movie immediately hits the audience with an onslaught of news headlines and interview snippets that condemn its namesake, Hillary Clinton. It is often forgotten that this low-budget 2008 film has had a blockbuster influence in transforming America’s modern political landscape and environment. The change the film has effected is measured at roughly $1,038,736,997, the amount of total outside spending in the 2012 election cycle immediately following the Supreme Court’s 2010 decision on Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission. …show more content…

Immediately following the decision, the scope of protection for those seeking to provide independent political expenditures, which are political campaign communications that expressly advocate for the election or defeat of a clearly identified candidate without the cooperation of candidates and their associated parties/agents, widened to include for-profit corporations, labor unions, and other associations. This expansion of corporate freedom of speech subsequently eliminated the campaign finance regulations that had been established to curb corporate America’s growing influence on politics, effectively creating the unprecedented billion-dollar election cycle and the Super PACS that fuel them. The Citizens United v. FEC case is touted as either a triumph of the first amendment or as a government failure to recognize the necessity to regulate corporations’ activities in campaign finance. Due to its lack of a unified regulative structure, the corporate campaign finance system contradicts the regulative principles that exist for corporations in other realms; these various regulations and structures exist for the universal purpose of preventing corruption, but, they do not

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