What Are The Pros And Cons Of Ww1

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Millions of fatherless children were affected by WWI. The assassination of Franz Ferdinand the archduke of Austria-Hungary was the spark that lit the fuse to the war. The war began July 28, 1914, and ended November 11, 1918. It took place mainly in Europe. WWI had a lot of pros and cons, many men didn’t come back the same as they went and women fought for the rights they deserve. The assassination of Franz Ferdinand and his pregnant wife Sophie was because of Gavrilo Princip, a Serbian nationalist, wanted rights for people in Austria-Hungary from Serbia. He wanted to make a statement by assassinating a very important official. And came to a war that made 32 countries get involved. The main countries that were involved were United States, Russia, Italy, Britain And France, the core of the Allied Powers. Which fought against the Central Powers, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, Germany, and Ottoman Empire. This war was called The Great War because how many military men were injured and killed in this war alone. …show more content…

The federal government authorized the Selective Service Act, young men 18-25 years old were taken from productive jobs and drafted to the war. Women had to step up to the plate of handling the manufacture of weapons and ammunition. The industry production decreased when soldiers returned and there weren’t enough jobs. Another The unemployment rate played a huge in starting the Great Depression. They didn’t like the idea of loaning money off to other countries, so the government increased taxes on the people Many American men were afraid of joining the war because they didn't want to die from different

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