Being Schooled on the Cons of Homeschooling “Adults who were homeschooled often reference extreme social awkwardness as an obstacle they experienced upon entering college or the workforce.” (Whelan). Homeschooling may be a beneficial alternative to public and private schooling, but when the facts are shown and the first hand experiences are dealt with, it is understood that homeschooling has a negative impact. There are many different reasons as to why homeschooling a student can impact their skills in both an educational way and a personal way. Students should not be homeschooled because students who are typically miss out on obtaining skills that are needed in order to advance in the real world.
A skill that is needed to advance in the
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Public school, again, especially high school, really helps a child form bonds that could not be formed in a homeschooling environment, such as teacher and student bonds. Being away from others their own age excludes students from learning this skill, which could definitely lead to problems forming relationships in the future, whether that being professional relationships or personal relationships. “I’m not saying parents can’t do that, but it’s not the same. Teachers have a big influence.” (Cavazos). Parents can be influential for their children, but it would be very biased because they control what the child is learning. Parents who do not allow their children to learn the same curriculum that public school attending children are learning are sheltering them, in a way; prohibiting them from learning the things that public school will teach them. “Improving students' relationships with teachers has important, positive and long-lasting implications for both students' academic and social development.” (Rimm-Kaufman). Students and teacher bonds are one of the most important bonds because if a teacher gets through to a student, then that student has a better chance of making it in the …show more content…
A child automatically starts off with no skill in public speaking, which is why they are taught the best they can be, and in this case, public school is a great way to get them started. Public speaking in front of a student’s family members is easy because they are comfortable in front of them, but learning is supposed to be scary, it is supposed to intrigue and frighten students, and public speaking is one of the most uncomfortable thing a child or young adult could do. “You’re not going to have the different backgrounds of people to deal with, people from different ethnic groups, different economic groups.” (Cavazo). Homeschooled students will not be able to have these interactions with people different from them, which can cause them to be caught in a scenario in which they are terrified to talk in front of a diverse group of people, which can take a toll on their professional life. Although public speaking is terrifying, it is deemed as necessary. “Mastering the art of public speaking requires the use of academic skills, but also tempers character, and challenges a student to do his or her best.” (Bowen). If a child is without the skill of public speaking, how are they going to give speeches in front of their boss at work? Lacking that skill can seriously damage their
Homeschooling is becoming a huge trend across America. It does have its downsides to it, just like any other education. Many parents have to worry about the right way of letting their child have socialization. Without proper socialization, a child can lack proper social skills. Many parents fear the temptations public school can provide, so they homeschool their children to bring them up with holy and moral attitudes. No parent wants their child to hang around other children who abuse drugs, alcohol, or can misguide their children down a wrong path. With homeschooling, parents can monitor whom their children socialize with and for how long. Fearing to not have any socialization at all is where parents can go wrong.
“On the fringe” education has become increasingly more popular since the 1970’s while public education has been around since the 1600’s (Davis). “On the fringe” is what some parents think homeschooling is because they think schooling their children at home is “backwards” (Drenovsky and Cohen). However, homeschooling is more beneficial to students than public schooling.
Homeschool is a verb is defined as “to teach your children at home instead of sending them to a school” (Homeschool). This means that a child is not taught at a public or private school; But the child is not necessarily just taught at home. Many homeschooling students participate in learning with other homeschooling families. Homeschooling is legal in all fifty states, and in the United States alone, it is estimated that there are between 1.7 and 2.1 million homeschooling students. However, it is hard to know the exact number of these students since some states have different laws and do not require reporting (Frequently). Perhaps in the years to come, states will become more regulated across the board about reporting.
Homeschooling is often portrayed as an overprotective mom - unwilling to let her kids leave her for a day at school, and a large number of children, all unable to hold a conversation, let alone function normally in society. As someone who was homeschooled from kindergarten through eighth grade, I can attest that my homeschool experience was the exact opposite of this confining stereotype.
While the majority choose to do so for academics, the reasoning goes beyond simply that. Homeschool families are often stereotyped as extremely religious and attempting to hide their children from the corruption and sin of the world. Families that do keep children out for these reasons are still prevalent within the homeschooling community; my mother contemplated homeschooling me and my brothers for this reason, and one of my best friends is homeschooled in a religious home. As homeschooling grows more mainstream, more families believe that public school squashes a child’s creativity and attempts to conform all children into the same person. Lynn Schnaiberg, a writer for Education Weekly, gives the reasons for four homeschooling families in her article “Staying Home from School.” In this article, the first family, the Scandora’s, believe “learning is not a product of teaching” and that their children should be free to learn at whatever pace they want. Another family featured in Schnaiberg’s article, the Collins family, is dissatisfied with the Baltimore city schools, which had some of the lowest test scores in the state. The Hoyt family has two children who are considered “gifted.” Because public schools do not give proper attention
Would you still homeschools your children after realizing the disadvantages of homeschooling? Homeschooling is an option of developing education at home rather than at schools where teachers give the lecture and take tests in order to be informed of the progress of the students. As Lisa Rivero, a professor of English literature at the University of Wisconsin at Madison, states, in her book The Homeschooling Option, homeschooling in the United States “as a modern movement began in the 1960s” (Rivero27). This is, after the concept of homeschooling spreads around the community, parents have a choice of either homeschooling or public schooling their children. However, the most common question that bothers many parents is the doubt of which one to choose. Homeschooling can cause the children to stay behind of their age group people; however, now days, many of the children care less about developing their education and concentrate more on their life and hobbies. In addition, homeschooling would waste time and money from the parents. Laura Saba, a former public school teacher who homeschooled her children, and Julie Gattis, a registered nurse and occasional lecturer who has seven years of homeschooling experience, in their book The McGraw- Hill Homeschooling Companion, declare public schools are free of charge for children and “Children can spend their day getting educated while parents are out earning a living” (1). Even though many parents prefer to homeschool their children, homeschooling would be harmful for both parents and children because children would have social and educational problems, which are the elements of “Dual-trust Education,” and parents would have the shortage of time and money.
Firstly, a child’s youth is what molds them for their future, making friends and socializing during school is what helps them get an image, and a social group. This gives them a sense, of who they are, and what kind of people they will get along with in life. Many schools promote social events and interacting with fellow classmates to further their social boundaries, “Schools and teachers try to promote significant interactive experiences among their students…Another tool used is student service activities—fundraising, student-student tutoring, and volunteer work of various kinds… these activities are encouraged…prepare students for life outside of school”(Wynne). Public schooling offers a place where students can get along, and prepare them for life after school. By contrast, homeschooling is rarely so integrated. Often times those children are socially awkward because they don't really know how to make friends, having no need since they stayed at home and if they had a homeschooling group, making...
In today’s American society, quality education is important for one to succeed. Without proper education, a person will find it extremely difficult to apply for college, a job, or to pursue his or her dream. Typically when Americans think of education, public education is the first to come to mind. Public education has been around for centuries and is provided to most children throughout the United States. Due to this fact, public education has been the go to education source for years. Though, this trend is slowly changing with many parents deciding to home school their children instead. Many factors are the cause for this issue, but the common arguments arise from a certain few. For students, public school provides many opportunities ranging from social connections, school sports, and the exposure to teachers who are experts in their fields. But homeschooling is often superior because it offers additional time for students to participate in various extracurricular activities and community service, allows for more individual attention, personal character development, and it offers less exposure to discrimination that is received in the public school environment.
First, is that children who are homeschooled miss out on the opportunity to make memories and create relationships with other kids. Liza Blau writer for Our Everyday Life states in her article Social Disadvantages of Home Schooling that, “forming close friendships and socializing with other children is vital for the development of your child’s social skills and overall emotional health.” Children who are home schooled will miss out on creating memories like school dances, lunch conversations and recess, which allow children to grow and learn how to create friendships with others. Next, homeschool parents also ignore how beneficial it is for students to have elective classes, such as sewing, cooking, art and physical education. These elective classes help students have experiences in a wide variety of classes so they can develop talents that they might have not known they had. Ernie Rambo a writer for Center For Teaching Quality explains in his article Why Electives Matter that elective classes reveal the skill sets of some students that other classes may not have been able to bring out. This helps students be able to see their strengths and talents (Rambo 1). Homeschooling parents focus on the curriculum for regular classes so much that they don’t include elective classes, which doesn’t allow the child of developing other talents. These are things that homeschooling parents need to take into consideration for their child before considering the idea of
As the population in public schools increase, the problems in these schools are also on the rise. These changes are leasing to the way parents are schooling their children. Many parents are leaning towards homeschooling as a solution to this problem. This increase in homeschooling can be directly related to an increase in school violence, the offering of a lack luster curriculum, and lack of student teacher interaction.
ABSTRACT: Homeschooling is a controversial topic among educators. The issues that follow a child throughout their educational and social lives, are elevated when a child has been home schooled. There is no social environment for the child to learn to develop basic social skills; most home schooling environments are made up of a child, perhaps accompanied by a sibling, and the parent teaching the information given. There is no room for a developed personality that is consistent with a child of equal age and grade in a normal schooling environment.
There is also room for a better quality of learning in a home schooling setting. Parents or tutors in a home school setting do not have to waste time with administrative tasks or repeating directions. They can get down to learning and reviewing. If a child is ok with a subject, they can move on. A child who is home schooled also has the opportunity to take part in a greater number of alternative learning experiences. For example, if a parent feels that a trip to a museum will better get a point across, on the spur of the moment they can take their child. Such spontaneity would not be possible in a regular school classroom. A certain structure is expected in a public school. In home schooling, parents or tutors are free to teach using methods they deem appropriate to the situation and the student.
Homeschooled children’s personal education doesn’t get overlooked. According to “homeschooling vs. public schooling: making the right choice” in the Huffington Post, Marion Lewis states, that public schools focus on teaching the average student; which means any student above or below average doesn’t get what he/she needs. With so many students it’s no wonder many students are getting overlooked. Marion states that class sizes are too big, with class ratios being anywhere from one teacher with twenty students to a whopping thirty students to one teacher. Homeschooling helps fix this problem by having individualized education for each student. With homeschooling, the parent has the opportunity to pick out of the many curriculum options the right one to teach their child the way best suited for them. Marion also mentions how one on one teaching helps the parent (in this case the teacher) find and target the students weaknesses to help focus on fixing those weaknesses.
Education in some places maybe are poor, this reason has increased homeschool, since the education your childs is something that will help achieve many of their goals in life ( Sunday Times). One of the misconceptions we have about education in the home and many families think is your child can have problems with their development and socialization. Studies have showing that homeschooling students are more mature and better socialized than many educated at school ( Hanako Taniguchi ) . A report in the newspaper "the spectator " shows as Veronica Penny Hamilton has won the Championship ( Spectator ) . " Veronica is one of the Most people I know socially sound .
The school events every school year were always the highlight for me going to public school. At first I was extremely shy more like anti-social but if it wasn’t for attending public school I wouldn’t have most of the close friends I have today. I’ve realized students taking online class or furthering education from home called “homeschool” doesn’t give the same feeling as sitting in a classroom with peers who have class with you. Being Homeschooled can’t give you any possibility of connecting to peers or teachers the way public school does. In Public school with peers or teachers, you can speak to them, share tangible contact, sight them in the hallways going from class to class and enjoy school events full of everybody you see at school daily. As stated from education, a con of home school is “It’s harder to provide social interaction”, taken from the online article Public school vs. Home school. I know no one enjoys being socially awkward, it’s like speaking