Whales Appreciation Letter

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Dear Dad, Mom, and Laura,

So far or the whole seventh grade year was a year that we really had to push ourselves because I felt that we got much more homework in seventh grade than we did in sixth grade. In the seventh grade year, because we got much more homework than we did in sixth grade, I had to stay up for much longer than I had to in sixth grade. My favorite things that we learned over the seventh grade year were the things we learned about manufacturing because for me, it was extremely fun inteviewing Caterpillar BCP. Also, it was fun learning what they do mainly and how they do things. It was interesting to learn what and how Caterpillar makes their products. Also, I did not know that Caterpillar had competitiors like Carolina …show more content…

The facts about whales that I did not know of are that whales only live in oceans, not rivers, creeks, lakes, etc. They see with their ears is an interesting fact I found. Many people can find dead whales on the shore. Whales use sounds to communicate to each other. They do not have eggs. Whales support different types of life. Sonar is extremely dangerous to whales. Strange and loud sounds can hurt whales. Calves or baby whales grow one foot each month. A calf drinks 100 to 150 gallons of milk a day. Whale's milk is 50% fat! I think that is how whales get very fat! That is the most interesting fact I learned! The best time to see whales is when they migrate. People do commercial whaling (whale hunting). Most countries in the world agreed to ban commercial whaling. Male humpback whales sing songs. Sharks and killer whales were known to attack whales. Killer whales are classified as dolphins instead of whales. Most whales have the brushy thingies instead of teeth. I still have more facts I did not know about whales, but it will be a very long list of the facts of what I do not know about

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