Wellbeing In Australia

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The definition of wellbeing in its simplest form is the state of being comfortable, healthy and happy. Many more aspects come under wellbeing when examined and measured such as housing, income, jobs, education, environment, civic engagement, health, life satisfaction, safety and work-life balance plus many more to measure and gain a rich understanding of the wellbeing in present day society. The OEDC has created a “Better Life” Index, this index educates us on the standard and quality of wellbeing in different countries, the online web-tool allows you to compare the measurements of countries to each other, based on 11 topics the OECD has identified as essential, in the areas of material living conditions and quality of life. INDICATORS 1. HOUSING: …show more content…

I believe that this data clearly displays that the country with a ‘Better Life’, would be Australia. Australia’s data at some points did not differ extremely to Mexico, but overall Australia’s results turned out better. The housing for both countries are quite similar yet Australia got more rooms per person, meaning it would be better for people all over the country having more room in houses and a sufficient sized house.. Jobs are also similar and Australia comes out with a higher rate of employment, meaning that more people have jobs and are able to work meaning a higher income, which enables greater health. This data also shows that Australia has a better support network and education is at a much higher rate meaning more people are being educated with skills and abilities to get jobs. Also a key factor is Australia’s environment has a cleaner water supply and the life expectancy is higher. The data also clearly shows that Australia is also a much more after place to live with assault rates being much more higher in Mexico. What was interesting to see was the data stating life satisfaction was the same for Australia and Mexico and that Mexico has a higher work-life balance. Overall I believe Australia is the better country to live in as its wellbeing is greater than …show more content…

In these three important elements that the Happy Planet believe is the best way to display wellbeing, Australia has a better wellbeing and longer life expectancy, yet bigger ecological footprint. The table I believe that is better for measuring wellbeing is the “Better Life Index” even though it does not cover as many countries as the ‘Happy Planet Index’; it has many more indicators and covers the more topics in rich detail. The ‘Happy planet Indicator’ only covers four topics and I believe that is not a sufficient amount of indicators that can give viewers a full understanding of wellbeing, also the ‘Better Life Index’ is definitely a better reading web tool, with an interactive table. The results I received from the HPI survey I undertook revealed successful results displaying that I have a great wellbeing; I believe that is it better personally for me to see my wellbeing. The difference to the tables from the HPI, is the tables compare countries to each other where the HPI, is only a personal results comparing each individual person. Even though the tables compare the same indicators, the difference is really who it is comparing

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