Welfare Reform Essay: Scott Walker's View On Welfare

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Welfare Reform Essay

“Walker said unemployment benefits should be ‘more like a trampoline and less like a hammock”, this quote from the article on Scott Walker’s view on welfare best explains how welfare should be. Welfare programs are supposed to help people who are having trouble get back on their feet, but some people see it as a handout from the government that lets them have a free pass in life. Although there are people who use welfare to bounce back from their financial struggles, but some people take advantage of it and take the benefits without trying to work to get out of the struggle. The welfare system was never made to help people who take advantage of the system. It was made to help people who can’t make enough money to survive …show more content…

Walker wants to make reforms to people on welfare who are receiving benefits to work 30 hours a week instead of 20 to be able to qualify for the program(Vetter 4)."We want to help people who are able to work get into the workforce." Walker’s statement was to show an example of a reform that could benefit the programs by not supporting able bodied people as much and instead to get them to not just collect benefits.Walker believes that by making this kind of reform it will affect welfare recipients, for the better and give them a better chance of getting off the programs. Where as Dana Wachs, who is a candidate for governor in Wisconsin has a completely different argument on the topic of welfare. He believes that the way that Walker is thinking on improving welfare will only be troublesome to the people on the programs,Wachs goes on to explain that children could be affected in the reform(Vetter 12). Wachs goes on to say that Walker only sees some problems as ones that he thinks should be fixed instead of focusing on other problems involved with welfare(Vetter 12). With this we see that a reform should be made but in a way that won’t negatively affect recipients and leave them in a situation that is worse than it was before. Knowing this, many politicians struggle to decide on who needs help from the …show more content…

The recipients would be in an even deeper hole than the one they were in before. If people were to lose their benefits then it would cause them to go homeless because they weren’t able to keep up with rent or be able to pay for wherever they are staying. A navy veteran in Maine who did not have a job had his food stamps taken away which caused him to go about his life by asking others for food or even go days without eating, this isn’t the kind of way a person should be living(Dewey,Jan,3). That kind of reform isn’t one that people want, by doing this people are basically telling them that their lives are meaningless and should have worked hard to achieve a life without welfare. Work requirements for welfare were increased due to anti-poverty programs(Dewey,Jan,4). The change in qualifications for programs is meant to get people to work,but it’s just hurting the impoverished people by taking away aid from them. The reforms will cause more people who depend on the system along with people who are unemployed to struggle to find a job or work. The reforms do get people to try and find jobs and work instead of relying on the benefits of welfare,but by doing so many people who cant find jobs are left to deal with the difficulty of surviving on even less than before. This reform could do some good even though it causes more trouble for the people who don’t have a lot.

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