Wealth and How Money Influences People's Lives
Some people generate an adequate living working for others, some do quite well, while many people don’t do well. It is estimated that less than 16% of Canadians have more than $100,000 in their retirement funds while 38% have less than $10,000. Using money to make money is more likely to generate success. Using assets to generate wealth is likely to generate financial success. This is the principle in whihc my group is is based upon.
Kiyosaki explains money does not calm your fears when desire forces you to spend. You have to avoid the trap. Rich people often have a fear of losing it all. A job is a short term solution to a long term problem. You must master the power of money. When the donkey drags the cart with the carrot on a stick in front of him, the driver is getting where he wants. For the donkey it’s an illusion. What intensifies fear and desire is ignorance. To spend your life in fear and never exploring your dreams is cruel. Just as in my business of MJM Productions. Instead of looking at how much certain ventures will cost, we must look at the posibilities which will occur as a result of that venture.
Money does not calm your fears when desire forces you to spend. You have to avoid the trap. Rich people often have a fear of losing it all. A job is a short term solution to a long term problem. You must master the power of money. When the donkey drags the cart with the carrot on a stick in front of him, the driver is getting where he wants. For the donkey it’s an illusion. What intensifies fear and desire is ignorance. To spend your life in fear and never exploring your dreams is cruel. Just as in my business of MJM Productions. Instead of looking at how much certain ventures will cost, we must look at the posibilities which will occur as a result of that venture. Therefore it is essential that the accumulation of money does not blind me and my cohorts from our prime objective of empowering ourselves.
Choose your thoughts. Think long-term and ask yourself: "Is this the best possible solution to my problem?" There is an old expression that "I am too busy working to make money." When you are too busy, you miss many opportunities. You often go into a restaurant and see a lot of things done wrong. Why can’t the manager see these things? Because he is too busy working IN the business ...
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...before you pay any other bills. Then you will be motivated to find the money to pay all the other bills. Look after number one.
Choose friends carefully. The power of association. Learn from all of them, whether they have money or not. When I seek out people who have money, I am not after their money but their ideas. Don’t listen to poor or frightened people. Wise investors buy an investment when it’s not popular. They know their profits are made when they buy, not when they sell. You become what you study. So, if you are tired of what you are doing and not making enough money, change the formula. This was a key factor in creating a sucessful business. Only by having co-workers which are dependable will ones business flourish.
Be an "Indian Giver". Put your money into an investment and when it goes up, take your money back out and do the same again. If you buy some stocks and they go up in price, sell enough to get your original investment back and repeat the process. Assets buy luxuries. When the asset is generating surplus cash flow, then you use that surplus to buy the luxuries. Or in terms of this project, 50% goin towards a college education instead of luxuries.
The love of material things is considered the root of all evil. Money, as well as desire for fame and power, are powerful motivators that drive people through certain shortcuts called decisions. Every day, people drive through this shortcuts, big and small.
To begin, wealth could drive someone to achieve their goal. During the Klondike Gold Rush period, Pearce went in stampede through the harsh, cold lands of the Klondike region. Many had died, however Pearce was able to push himself forward and not let his body give up. He was driven by how he had a chance of striking it rich and bringing gold back to his town. “At least six men had their feet frozen, and two men died in the hospital from pneumonia.” (Pearce, Paragraph 12) Even though Pearce did not find gold, his strong wanting of being wealthy kept him moving forward and alive.
For entrepreneurs whom are willing to accept the risk associated with starting a business, some have made themselves extremely wealthy. Although our economy is focused on capitalism as a means of promo...
Is there anyone in this world who does not want to be rich? The first thing that crosses the people’s mind while choosing job is money. Money plays a vital role in one's life and most of the people are motivated to perform well in their jobs for money. Money is the reason what drives people to work better. In most cases, money greatly works. People are motivated to perform better by receiving monetary incentives like wages, salaries, allowances, bonuses, retirement benefits, etc. But, money doesnot always contribute in influencing people towards the work. This essay will discuss the arguments that are both for and against money being the key motivator and suggest that money is not always the best motivator.
Some people find happiness in buying electronics, clothes, and toys. It’s true, materialistic things can bring an abundance of happiness to an individual. However, investing in life makes people happier, and makes their life more significant. According to Robin F. Brancato, in the book Money, “The real happiness comes from social relationships, enjoyable work, fulfillment, a sense of meaning in life.” For example, Nora is a woman who has money, and she’s always trying to buy dresses and shoes to make herself happy. However, she just needs to do something significant with her life (qtd.in Wiseman). In fact, according Williams, “It’s not a name brand that will lead to happiness. It’s a person ability to make their lifestyle what they always fantasized and imagined it to be.” In other words, happiness does not come from being able to buy expensive things; it comes from being able to use money to make one’s life better. In fact, according to Rachel Berl, “a certain amount of wealth relieves financial stress and its associated hardship. But the absence of such worries brings about happiness.” For instance, using money and investing in real estate and life insurance. Doing this, one can live happily knowing their kids can live comfortable when they are grown. The point is, investing life makes people happy and brings happiness to the
Money and Happiness are two things that we have all given a lot thought. We put lots of effort into these two things either trying to earn them or trying to increase them. The connection we make between money and happiness is strange because they are two very different concepts. Money is tangible, you can quantify it, and know exactly how much of it you have at any given time. Happiness, on the other hand, is subjective, elusive, has different meanings for different people and despite the efforts of behavioral scientist and psychologist alike, there is no definitive way to measure happiness. In other word, counting happiness is much more difficult than counting dollar bills. How can we possibly make this connection? Well, money, specifically in large quantity, allows for the freedom to do and have anything you want. And in simplest term, happiness can be thought of as life satisfaction and enjoyment. So wouldn’t it make sense that the ability to do everything you desire, result in greater satisfaction with your life.
Money presents in so many aspects of life. It seems that almost everything can be bought, with the high value attached to money. People are very addicted to money because of the idea that if you have money, you have the success, popularity, power and acceptance. But, there is always danger in losing values such as love for sports or being a hardworking person. A good example is the current trend in sports wherein top players in football or basketball are only interested in picking up their paycheques more than genuinely loving sports and achieving success in terms of being the best athletes they could be (Money is not the motivation 2004). There are nagging thoughts of what the real motivation is for entering a venture as the importance of money is becoming more and more hard-hitting these days.
..., a person who earns $25,000 is happier than a person who makes $125,000 and an employee who makes $500,000 is only slightly happier than someone who makes $55,000. Lastly, there are more important things in life that and make you happy, for example, friends. They don’t come with a price tag, and if they do, you definitely need new friends. Money won’t make you happy since good times can’t be bought. You don’t need a fancy vacation to have a good time; it’s just a matter of who you spend it with. Over the years, humans have blown the value of money way out of proportion. People make it seem like if you’re not filthy rich, then you won’t live a good life but it’s not true. You can lack money and yet still live a perfect, happy life.
When none of us has ever come across such words and formulas, none of the great personalities has ever mentioned it, then who the hell has instilled it in our minds that money brings happiness. But among this debate one question still raises its head - What is happiness? Happiness is not actually leading a luxurious life but the luxury of living a life. Happiness is not actually about expanding your business, but it lies in expanding the horizons of life. Happiness is not having a meal in the most famous restaurant but to have it with your most beloved family. It does not lie in attending honorable parties but to attend a party with honor.
1. WHY? Develop your "why". As an entrepreneur, not all times you have in business will be perfect. In fact, there will be many, many difficulties along the way. However, if you can develop your why, you can achieve success. Your why must be this personal, passionate, emotional drive that keeps you going, when the world tells you to give up. It is the reason you commit and work so hard. Pushing on when it seems all the odds and world is against you. Your "why" becomes your driving will to wake up and do it again tomorrow.
Many people dream of becoming entrepreneurs someday. But it made me realize that there other factors that needs to be taken into consideration. We need to ask ourselves are we ready to take the challenge to the outside world. Not everyone have the vision, innovation and creativity to become an entrepreneur. The individual must have a positive attitude and accept the responsibility, have discipline to meet their goals, and take action when the opportunity presents itself. Many prefer a job security and rely on a weekly paycheck, while entrepreneurs will take risks and doesn 't have that luxury to know the amount of their income.
Money has become the first priority in peoples’ life. It has become the necessity for being success. Many believe that money is the only way to success. They work hard to earn a lot of money and to make their life more comfortable and easy. Once Bill Gates said, ”If you were born poor, that’s not your fault, but if you die poor that’s your fault.” So many people run after money throughout their life to become success. Some people also believe popularity as being success. People work hard throughout their life to become a renowned person in this world and believe they need to look rich in order to be
It seems only natural that happiness should flow from having more money. Even if they don’t admit it, people still behave as though it were true. More money means you can have what you want and do what you want. The house you dream of? It’s yours. The new car you desire? Here are the keys. The freedom to enjoy your favourite pastimes? Here’s your racket, the court is down there, just past the pool.
Money is essential for our everyday lives and people have to face choosing whether to save up or spend their money. Of course earning our money can difficult considering that it is a necessary asset that affects every aspect of our life. Every day we see people working hard to earn as much money as the can. However how they use using the all the money earned is a frequently debated topic have seen many people who earn money and can no restrict themselves from spending .They usually act like wild animals fighting for food and being separating from the delusions of business. People are usually confused and frustrated by the amount money the use in a week without knowing that their daily impulse buying objects have piled up. Although it can be very hard to control there are many easy steps to stay away y from spending and instead saying up. Setting a goal, recording the amount you spend and even lowering your expenses can be small steps that will lead to great success in saving for the future
Becoming wealthy is all about a mixture of hard work, making wise decisions, and investing your money and time into areas that will lead you the highest return of investment. There are very few businesses and ideas that will lead you to a million bucks or more within a short period of time. In this article, you'll learn the basics of being filled with wealth and how to bring money into your life. You'll discover different ideas to help you lead a life where money just flows into your life.