Watson’s Human Caring Science Theory is Influencing My Practice

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To insure privacy, all patient names induced in this essay have been changed.

When I became a nurse, in my heart, I knew that I was a caring person; however, I did not have a caring theory driving my practice. After studying Watson’s Human Caring Science Theory, the theory is consistent with my values, which emphasizes a holistic approach with mind, body, and spirit through a caring nurse patient relationship in an environment that promotes healing, comfort, and dignity. Human Caring Science gives the privilege of viewing human life with wonder, respect, and appreciates small and large miracles, which allows the inner world of the patient and nurse to come together in a unique human relationship, in the here and now moment (Watson, 2012, p. 24).

Components of Watson’s Theory Exemplified in Practice

Transpersonal Caring Relationships

A transpersonal caring relationship is a where humans are connected with another with regard for the whole person (Watson, 2012, p. 75). Watson (2012, p. 75) further describes transpersonal caring when the nurse can sense the spirit or soul of the one being cared for, feels the condition of the spirit, and then responds in a way that the one being cared for can release subjective feelings and thoughts. With the release of this type of thoughts, more harmonious energy enters the mind through other thoughts and feelings, which places the patient an improved position for inner healing. Transpersonal nursing relationships also express the nurses’ commitment to protecting the dignity, providing holistic care, and encouraging the patient to achieve harmony, which goes beyond the technical aspects of providing patient care.

Many years ago, I had the privilege of taking care of Man...

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...begin the cultivation of Human Caring Science in academic programs with nursing students by teaching the Caritas Processes transpersonal relationships, and the significance of attaining caring moments in the nurse/patient relationship. In the leadership role, it is important to balance caring with the technical responsibilities of nursing and demonstrate caring in my practice with patients, families, staff, and administration.

Works Cited

Persky, G., Nelson, J. W., Watson, J., & Bent, K. (2008). Creating a profile of a nurse effective in caring. Nursing Administration Quarterly, 32(1), 15-20.

Sitzman, K., & Watson, J. (2014). Caring science, mindful practice: Implementing Watson's Human Caring Theory. New York: Springer Publishing Company LLC.

Watson, J. (2012). Human caring science: A theory of nursing (2nd ed.). Sudbury: Jones and Bartlett Learning.

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