Water Running Out Summary

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In the article “Water, Water Running Out,” published in 1982, there were several water-resource crisis scenarios presented. These included overuse of limited water supplies, and also the contamination of water supplies by man-made pollution. In the three and a half decades since, we have seen many cases of each come to pass. California’s Central Valley is one of the most productive areas of farmland in the US and supplies much of the country’s fruits and vegetables. It is also one of the country’s biggest users of ground water for irrigation. The valley has fertile soil but receives relatively little rainfall. Farmers in the area have been pumping up groundwater for growing their crops for around a century, and the aquifers have been being depleted are a rate far beyond their capacity to be replenished. Scientists estimate that about 15% of the water has been extracted, but that water took many thousands of years to get there.
The effect of the over pumping is being felt most immediately is ground subsistence. The surface of much of the Central Valley has sunk several feet and as much as …show more content…

The author tells us that government has done almost nothing to address the problem, and will continue to favor big businesses at the expense of our water supply. The author believes that positive change will only come from people changing their water habits once they start feeling the effects in a personal and economic way. Based on typical human behavior throughout history, it only makes sense that most people will only make efforts to address a problem once it affects them personally. It is hard to motivate people to change their way of life based on an abstract ideal. Hopeful, once people begin to personally feel the pressure on our water supply, it won’t be too late to reverse the

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