Was The Nuclear Bomb Justified Essay

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WW2 took place during 1939 and 1945 with the US and Japan involved in the Pacific war. Japan were involved in the war as they had a demand for natural resources like oil in order for them to industrialise and keep up with the western countries. The requirement of Japan to industrialize was due to the fear of the overwhelming power western countries had. They dragged the US into the war when they bombed Pearl Harbour on December 1941. Then on the 6th of August 1945, President Truman ordered Enola Gay on B-29 to drop the first Nuclear bomb on Hiroshima believing that this would end the war quickly. The US dropped another Nuclear bomb on 9th of August 1945 on Nagasaki, which finally ended the Pacific war. But the dropping of the Nuclear bombs were not justified. This is because the two bombs’ destruction was unnecessary in order for Japan to surrender. The US had other options to end the war and Japan was on the edge of surrendering which displays the reason that the Nuclear bombs are not justified. It is also evident that the effect of the Nuclear bomb was horrific and that it was unfair for the US to drop them on Japan. …show more content…

The US was already attacking Japan, showing how it was irrelevant for the US to drop the Nuclear bomb. For example, the B-29 bombers dropped about 500,000 napalms and petroleum jelly on March 1945 which killed about 100,000 people and injured many. (Carney, 2011) The city was left devastated which made the residents of Tokyo homeless. This shows how Japan was not in a state to continue the war and that it was only an amount of time before Japan surrendered. It is also believed that Japan would have surrendered without the bombs as they were afraid the Soviet Union would become involved in the Pacific war. Japan did not want the Soviets to join the war as they could not take two big countries

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