Was The New Deal Good Or Bad Essay

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The Great Depression was one of America’s most trying times. It was the dark time following the good times of the Roaring Twenties. The Great Depression lasted from 1929 to the United States entry into World War II in 1941. The cause of the Depression was the panicked rush to get money out of the banks when the market crashed. When President Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected he created the New Deals to fight the Depression. It focused on relief, recovery and reform, setting out to fix the damage. Many people lost their jobs after the crash and were quickly losing their homes. Both of the New Deals had different programs to help America get back on its feet. Even though it wasn't a complete success, the New Deal did more good than bad because it significantly lowered unemployment rates, helped the Native Americans and helped feed millions of undernourished children. (Woodward, 4)

One thing the New Deal did to help its citizens was lower the unemployment rates. The unemployment rates had been low before the Great Depression. When the market crashed it was at 3.2% but only four years later it had …show more content…

President Roosevelt had assigned John Collier as the Commissioner of Indian Affairs. Congress passed the Indian Reorganization Act in 1934. $10 million in loans was made to encourage the growth of economic development of the tribes. The tribes had been doing better since the Deal had started, economically speaking. Some, however, thought the administration failed to do its job or that the Natives could have done better without the money. “The truth is that the New Deal Indian administration is neither as successful as its publicity says it is, nor as black and vicious a failure as the severest critics would have us believe,” (Stevens, 7). One could say the deal didn't solve a lot of the Native Americans problems but each one was addressed. The New Deal at least tried to help them as much as they

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