Was The Neolithic Revolution A Turning Point In World History

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The Neolithic Revolution, occurring roughly between 8500 and 3000 B.C.E., was the transition of a hunting and gathering lifestyle to one of agriculture. To analyze how much of a turning point the Neolithic revolution was, one must consider the effects it had on society. The Neolithic Revolution introduced the possibility of permanent settlement, whereas hunter-gatherers we're constantly on the move. Furthermore, it presented a new method of providing food. Thus, the Neolithic Revolution was a significant turning point in world history. The Neolithic Revolution created a reason for permanent settlement. Because of farming and agriculture, nomadic peoples would no longer have to worry about constantly traveling in search of food, and could now settle. With settlement comes permanent housing. Houses, such as those in Çatal Hüyük, were often made of mud bricks set in timber framework. Nomads would never consider such “expensive” housing like this; …show more content…

Once able to plant and farm their own crops, civilizations could then focus on simplifying the ways they farm. Domesticating animals greatly helped agriculture. Not only could these animals be used as a source of milk, hides, furs, and meats, but also as a way to increase farming productivity. New technologies were created, such as animal plows. Large animals, such as oxen or bulls, could be attached to plows and, when directed to, walk through fields, plowing them along the way. Some settlements engaged in trade with surrounding hunting peoples, and eventually larger civilizations. This set the stage for new crops in foreign areas. For example, the Huang He River Valley civilization engaged in trade with India and the Middle East. Now crops like rice were thousands of miles away from where they originate. Not only did this stimulate the economy, but it helped spread the idea of agriculture, which only spread the effects of the Neolithic

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