Was Hitler A Weak Leader Essay

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The debate on if Hitler was a ‘weak leader’ has two sides: Intentionalist and Structuralist. Intentionalists believe that Hitler was a strong leader, who had already planned everything out, years before it happened and did not need any help from outside parties. On the contrary, Structuralists believe that his actions were mainly due to circumstance and that he was helped by other people.
Also, from the end of the war to now, more people started to adopt the Structuralist point of view, when at the end of the war, the most popular ideology was Intentionalism. I believe this is because people needed to reassure themselves that no normal man could have committed mass genocide.
A Structuralist argument is that Hitler had not planned anything, he just took advantage of anything that would expand his empire. An example of this was when the …show more content…

For example, Hitler’s press secretary said that ‘he systematically disorganized the upper echelons of the Reich leadership in order to develop and further his own will until it became a despotic tyranny’. This means that all the decisions were made by Hitler and that he was cunning enough to ‘deliberately destroy the state's ability to function in favor of his personal omnipotence'. The fact that he was able to do this shows that he had total control of the regime, which means that he was a strong dictator.
However this report came from Hitler’s press secretary who probably would be biased towards Hitler being a strong dictator as he had to show Hitler as a strong and capable leader to the rest of Nazi Germany. However, he uses language such as ‘despotic’ and ‘tyranny’ which is very strong and negative, therefore we can infer that he did not see Hitler in a positive light. We can infer that this evidence may be slightly unreliable as his job is to show Hitler as strong and he does not seem to like Hitler’s

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