Was Helen Keller A Hero

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Helen Keller a Hero
The word hero is often associated with super. It creates an image of Superman courageously swooping down and conveniently saving civilians with his superhuman powers. These superheroes are picture-perfect. They have a routine of flying in at the perfect time to save ordinary civilians. The ideal morals and faultless actions are what make them heroes. Yet, heroes do not have to be without fault. They can even have human disadvantages. For instance, Helen Keller is a hero, but she is not faultless. Her obstacles in life are actually the reason for her heroic actions. On June 27, 1880 in Tuscumbia, Alabama, Helen Keller was born. A life changing sickness struck her in 1882. She became deaf, blind, and mute. These physical impairments would hold most people back in life. Instead, they pushed Miss Keller forward. Her disadvantages drove her to make a change in the world. She beat the odds and her accomplishments were an inspiration to many. …show more content…

In no way was Keller’s life easy. Her physical impairments made communication almost impossible. Yet, that did not stop her. She met Anne Sullivan who would become her teacher for the years to come. Keller’s impairments made learning a difficult task, but she did not give up. She became intent on going to college. At age twenty-one, Keller wrote her first book, The Story of My life, with the help of Sullivan and John Macy. She attended Radcliffe College and became the first deaf blind person to earn a bachelor of arts degree. Writing a book and graduating college were no ordinary accomplishments for Helen Keller. They were the first steps to inspiring the world with her

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