Was Andrew Jackson A Good President

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Andrew Jackson Andrew Jackson, the seventeenth President of the United States, is known as one of the most controversial Presidents of all time. Although Andrew Jackson had made his share of enemies such as the Native Americans, Andrew Jackson’s direct appeal to the people for support served as the model for strong Presidents even to this day. Therefore, many classify him as a great President. Andrew Jackson was known and even still today is known as good president. Andrew Jackson is a very important part of American history because he achieved many great accomplishments that changed America and well known for his weapon which was the veto. Andrew Jackson was a champion of the common White House and Andrew Jackson was the founder of the Democratic Party and was a Democratic-Autocrat. Andrew Jackson …show more content…

Due to Andrew Jackson’s hard childhood he was very patriotic, passionate, strong, and very desirable. Andrew Jackson was also very smart. At the age of 20, Andrew Jackson became a lawyer. Due to his bravery and patriotism, Andrew Jackson learned to fight in the Revolutionary War and in eighteen ninety-two Andrew Jackson defeated the British at New Orleans in 1815. After the victory, Andrew Jackson made a name for himself because he was the ONLY President to be both a veteran in the Revolutionary War and the War of eighteen twelve. Andrew Jackson was a great President because of his strong decisive support for the Union and because he never was afraid to stare down his enemies, no matter what position they might hold he was also a committed Man of the People with a commanding presence, a strong will, and personality that showed a reflection of his strength and decisiveness. His controversial conduct in office led to the creation of the Whig Party. The Democratic Party was his son and the national two-party system was his legacy. He strengthened himself against Congress by forging direct links with the voters. He boldly casted himself as

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