Walmart Billing Statement

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SUPPORT DOCUMENTS: Four Pages Walmart Billing Statement.

On 10/12/2015, Pamela Prince contacted Pasco Sheriff`s Office by telephone in reference to fraudulent use of her Walmart Mastercard Credit Card number 5239-1410-3921-1523.

Ms. Prince advised between 10/07/2015, and 10/25/2015, her friend and houseguest Warren Winters fraudulently used the listed Walmart Mastercard Credit Card one-hundred three times at various locations in Pasco County. He also used it one time, on 10/25/2015, in Pinellas County.

Ms. Prince stated she has limited mobility. Mr. Winters was living in her home to help her before and after her hip surgery. She said she kept the listed credit card in the drawer of a desk she used

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