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Henry David Thoreau wanted to express his thoughts to the world. He did so by writing Walden a book that gives insights on the world from Thoreau’s point of view. “Walden” gives valuable advice in all types of fields. It shows aspects of Thoreau’s personality and how he views the world. To the best of my knowledge, Henry has many characteristics that he expressed in this book. Most of what he wrote was impressive. Honestly, I was extremely enthusiastic about reading this. Initially, I thought it would be a book like Great Expectations. But my expectations were wrong. I did not think I would actually learn things. Surprisingly, it sparked motivation in me. I wanted to be more in touch with nature. It seemed like Henry David Thoreau had everything figured out. He was calm and thoughtful and he seemed to look at life in a different way. Being in solitude in nature must really get you in touch with your inner self. It allows you to look at your flaws and look at your talents. I was greatly intrigued by every page of Walden.
If people in modern day were to take time and read this book. I bet that things would definitely change. Not everyone will understand immediately; it would take time for people to really look into what he is saying. I think camping would become a more common activity. It would be hard to completely dislodge yourself from society. With technology advancing and becoming more and more complex overtime. Soon there will not be a place that communications technology cannot reach. It would be impressive to see everyone turn off their cell phones, computers, and everything else. Henry Thoreau also believes that society is corrupt. Conspirators must be in love with this book. Thoreau believes that people only pay attention ...

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... presentation and added pictures to go with them. This was probably the longest part of the entire project. Then, I put animations in; I tried not to over exaggerate it. I got creative when it was time to put the music in. Society has a tune that is about society, as plain as it gets. With Advancements, came music that sounds futuristic. Which really goes with it. Spiritual was a tough decision. I could not determine between two songs. Comfort definitely had to be George Michael; he comforts everyone. Education is kind of based on a stereotype with the intelligent human beings being able to play piano. I absolutely had to use elevator music for simplicity. It does not get more simple than that! I enjoyed doing this project. I got to be creative but still be logical. Most fun project I have ever done honestly and I hope that future assigned projects are like this.

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