Visual Stereotyping

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Stereotypes are a part of our everyday life. We hear stereotypes every day and everywhere. Stereotyping affect people’s social lives, emotions, and how people interact with one another. In chapter 5, we discussed Visual Stereotypes. Visual Stereotyping is a way that people group each other. Each group is called by name, that may be negative or positive depending on how people take it. Three types of stereotyping are racial profiling, gender stereotypes, and working-class stereotypes. According to the American Civil Liberties Union, racial profiling is a longstanding and deeply troubling national problem. Racial profiling occurs every day, all around the world, in many different states,cities, and towns. It is when law enforcement mainly targeted …show more content…

According to Monisha Srichand, a director of Talk It Over Counselling Services, a counselling psychologist, and executive coach explained that men and women are perceived into different categories. Men are suppose to show no emotions, be fascinated by sports and sex, and be associated with the color, which is masculine. Women on the other hand are suppose to be bad drivers, love to gossip, shop, and importantly be associated with the color pink, which means feminine. Even though gender views might change throughout the years, our expectations will not. In our society, the ideal man is competent, stable, tough, confident, strong, accomplished, aggressive, and dominate (Srichand,Monisha). The ideal female is warm, emotional, kind, polite, sensitive, friendly, fashionable, gentle, soft, and submissive. However, stereotypes create dangerous consequences because men and women are forced to ignore their personality traits that make them who they are. As long as there are different genders, stereotyping will never go away. This is because humans fear what they do not understand it makes us categorize behaviors in order to better understand the world around

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