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Visual Analysis:
Army Commercial
After reviewing a few videos based on United States Army propaganda while on a popular media site it was quite eerie, since I am currently enlisted within the ranks. The Army is also something that you normally see in various forms such as billboards, television, and of course the actual soldiers. I would like to examine the whole concept of what the videos represent and how it grasps the attention of the viewer, audience, or consumer. If a person is somewhat or completely against the military, after viewing the commercials the viewer might have second thoughts. Overall the videos organize the three rhetorical techniques in a unique matter to where it catches a person’s attention. I can easily say that in the area of Ethos, the videos do exceptionally well, and of course to the Army is very well known for many of its characteristics both in the homeland and overseas and of course the United States Army was established more than two hundred years ago in the year of 1775 a year before the Declaration of Independence! As for
Pathos it moves the viewer with its various scenes as it inspirational, motivational, intriguing, etc., hence why it could possibly change the view point of the person from bad to good, but ultimately it is up to the person watching. In the technique of Logos, it appears as a relation to the viewer and how the viewer could benefit from the military in many ways just by wearing a single uniform, or if you are person of the civilian world it makes you feel a bit safer knowing that the Military will be defending the United States with all their might. The Videos also use some technical numbers in attempts to show how much military personnel and vehicles we have at this very moment...
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...e of the most empowering scenes is when the male figure who gives the command of “Present Arms”, and there after the soldiers execute the command, that essentially sends shivers through my body and possibly even the other viewer. In the scene where all the soldiers salute the American Flag, that alone sends a huge sense of pride and the message of why each soldier fights for this country. As per Logos, it again does not give much to show off, however, it does give of the aura that if a person is in the military he or she will become wiser, more respected, and more accepted. To compare and contrast the videos is quite simple. The first video in contrast represents more Ethos and the second gives off more evidence of Pathos. While in comparison they both of course appeal to the viewer with various emotional scenes in attempts of earning the respect of the audience.
From the mothers and fathers of the daughters and sons in the military to the friends that are left back home when someone enlists and prepares on their journey, this film provides a starting point to influence conversation’s about the sexual violence and injustice prevalent across the DOD. The film speaks out to the audience’s emotions by delivering jaw-dropping statistics all while providing a strong ethical basis of trustworthy resources, interviews, and statistics. This documentary is a great example of how using pathos, ethos and logos to implore an audience to question how the DOD reacts to MST. By combining all these rhetoric appeals, Kirby is able to convince the audience that there is sexual misconduct in the military and there is no evidence to prove that they are doing anything about
...t of people around you. The images are really helped clarify what the singer really wants to talk about. Without the images in the video some many things could have been interpreted from the song itself. Before I watched the video I just thought the author was talking about war, and specially the wars America was fighting at the time of the song’s release. The music in combination with the instrumentals and video create a piece of art that enlightens the soul.
With the conflicts on the other sides of the oceans, Americans would not witness the brutality, destruction, and suffering of civilians and soldiers alike. ?Only the United States was not both a destroyer and a victim of the destruction in the war.? (73) The civilians of the United States, therefore, relied on other sources to shape their view of World War II. ?Ads implied that if you bought a war bond your sacrifice was on par with that of the man in the front lines.? (74) The US government and industry played on Americans? sense of patriotism in order to get them to support the war or buy their products. However, ?it [advertising] is by nature emotional, rather than intellectual; it sells feelings rather than ideas.? (73) Government propaganda and business advertising were not the only factors in forming the inaccurate myth of the Second World War.
When people see “Old Glory” flying, the experience should take their breath away. From the Omaha beaches in Normandy, where over three million soldiers stormed the German Nazis, to Iwo Jima, where the exhausted marines raised the proud flag, to the h...
During the Vietnam Conflict, many Americans held a poor view of the military and its political and military leadership. Protestors met returning soldiers at airports, train and bus stations, and in hometowns with open hostility. Following the conflict, and perhaps the maturing of the ‘60s generation, the view towards the military began to change somewhat. The hostility declined, but an appreciation for the military never really re-emerged during the ...
the people fighting for their lives from the many hardships they face. Also, it shows that there is
Words and images were silent weapons used by all governments involved during World War II. Wars are generally fought between soldiers, but the different ideologies often meet on the battlefield as well. The support of the people is crucial during these times since general knowledge of strength relies on numbers. Propaganda targets people’s emotions and feelings and changes people’s perception about a particular idea, people, or situation. Propaganda goes hand in hand with the art of persuasion and convincing; these tools can control and manipulate the collective minds of a massive amount of its audience.
Even though the films “Battleship Potemkin”, “From Here to Eternity” and “Saving Private Ryan” are all movies based on military life during war time the variation in time periods and culture made each film very different. These differences did not take away from the impact the films had on their audiences at the time or the messages they were each trying to covey. The Horrific images and hear wrenching scenarios helped to evoke strong emotions and patriotic feeling from audiences allowing film makers to pass along their truths. Thru these films we are magically transported to several dark periods in the world history and left to experience the pain, fear, isolation and ultimately the triumph of these soldiers’ lives.
...at the various means of propaganda have on the great masses, film is without question the most powerful. The written and spoken word depend entirely on the content or on the emotional appeal of the speaker, but film uses pictures, pictures that for eighty years have been accompanied by sound. We know that the impact of a message is greater if it is less abstract, more visual. That makes it clear why film, with its series of continually moving images, must have a particular persuasive force. Film is a very effective tool in waging a war. With out it, it would be hard to get the people to stand behind you and
When a person sees a new advertisement or commercial for their favorite shoe company, they immediately want to go and check out their latest designs. Similarly, propaganda uses different sources of media to encourage people to buy a certain item that will benefit their country or an organization. Propaganda was used in World War II to encourage citizens to buy certain tools or participate in certain events to help the soldiers fighting. Both video and radio advertisements were used by the Allied and Axis powers to encourage citizens to aid the war effort, resulting in a rise of nationalism and resentment towards opposing sides.
The video describes how our society may not even care about the product being advertised, but we still read the billboard or watch the commercial. Also mentioned was the use of colors in a commercial, the marketing effects in politics, and even market research obtained by studying different cults. Frontline takes an in-depth look at the multibillion-dollar “persuasion industries” of advertising and how this rhetoric affects everyone. So whether this is in the form of a television commercial or a billboard, pathos, logos, and ethos can be found in all advertisements.
It glorifies soldiers as warriors not only because they are fighting the villains but are seen as heroes who defend the American values of freedom and democracy. As the United States has made these values the normative standards for itself and the rest of the world, the attitude of superiority has increased in the people, thus making it easier for the US to use the normative values as justification for military actions. The cooperation between media and government, which has unconditional support from American people by fostering a “peace through war” attitude, also help in strengthening a patriotic feeling in the society. This is probably the reason why people do not think about the numbers of others that the US military has killed as a negative issue. In the collective American mind, the US is militarily involved for the greater good, taking on the role of peacekeeper, thus making warrior culture a necessary component of peace culture in the
Movie posters have been around for a very, very long time. In essence they are just picture advertisements for their movies. The movie posters for action movies during the 80’s, which was a widely varied time in itself, were influenced by many things. These things ranged from the Vietnam War, the war on drugs and also things like the glorification of these wars. Colors played a large part in these posters because they tried to get their intended audience to feel a certain way and make them perform a specific action. Movie posters try to get their audience to go out and buy tickets to the movie they advertise, the way that they are set up plays a very large part in whether this happens or not.
What the video was trying to get across was the irony in what Howard Kurtz has said which is, “I believe that these newscasts in 2005 and 2006 played the biggest single role in helping to turn public opinion against the war.” They also show more videos of the news fabricating a lot of the Iraq War. It showed the media hyping up previews of stories to gain more viewers for their ratings. A lot of the news networks also used controversial language and propaganda as well. The news wanted to try and exaggerate real events and incite fear to prove that we needed the military to intervene.
...e has lost. Set in the gymnasium of IKM-Manning High School, this funeral accurately portrays the devastation felt when a loved one has perished in war and is returned in a casket. This photo focuses on the home coming of a soldier, but unlike “V-J Day in Times Square”, it’s shown in a negative way. The vivid colors of the U.S. flag’s stripes as well as the blue from the VFW flag are bold against the seemingly monochrome photo. Red, white, and blue are distinct in this photo, representing the Americanism and freedom that this soldier has brought. The balance of colors is split: bold colors of freedom on one side, and black of the garments of mourners on the other. Although there is freedom, there was a price to be paid; a life. People all over the country lose family and friends to the perils of war. Unfortunately for this soldier, he came home resting in peace.