Violence In Sports Research Paper

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The history of violence in sporting events that break the law is appalling. What’s even more appalling is the lack of court involvement in these incidents. All of these acts are beyond what would be classified as acceptable during a game and the criminal code is often violated, but the usual punishment is a penalty or forcing the player to sit out a game. Episodes of criminal violence range from an unnecessary tackle causing a fracture to a fight that causes a player to break multiple bones, and in some cases. Fights started that ended in player deaths. Sporting organizations have been able to maintain a monopoly over most episodes of violence that occur, keeping the courts from prosecuting athletes even when such conduct violates the law. …show more content…

In 2009 adult Americans spent more than $8 million on sports logo apparel. Men were the biggest spenders, accounting for 60.9% of the spending while women a mere 39.1% (“Americans Spent More then $8”). Along with the billons spent on merchandise a year comes the immense amount of time watching sports. Of the 45 most-watched TV broadcasts of all time 21 are Super Bowls. “In 2002, the NFL found that the average male surveyed spent nearly seven hours a week watching its product” (Allott). The massive amount of money and time spent watching sports is what keeps them alive; a sudden drop in the numbers would be disastrous. But what could cause such a drastic drop? A popular player getting kicked off the team for committing an act of violence during gameplay that sends him to court and maybe even jail would be such a …show more content…

The Criminal Code is used everyday in the courts but does not apply to anything that occurs during sporting games. This is due to the fact that sporting organizations have been able to keep a monopoly over any acts of violence that occur during sporting events. These organizations have retained the ability to handle any such incidents behind closed doors away from the courts. The penalty for any act of violence occurring during a sporting event is left in the hands of the sporting organization. The repercussion for the acts of violence range from a penalty to having a player sit out a game, the worst has been kicking the player off of the team, but never anything

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