Violence In Health And Social Care Essay

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The 49th World Health Assembly in 1996, declared violence as a major and rising public health issue around the globe.(1) The World Health Organization defines violence as "The intentional use of physical force or power, threatened or actual, against oneself, another person, or against a group or community that either results in or has high likelihood of resulting in injury, death, psychological harm, mal-development or deprivation."(2) The definition of violence includes a broad range of outcomes which echoes the rising need of recognising violence as a threat and burden on individuals, families and health care systems all over the world. Any form of violence towards children, women and elderly may not necessarily cause injury, disability or death, but it does have an immediate or latent debilitating effect, which may last for years.(1)
In the 1996 resolution, W.H.O. developed a classification for different types of violence and the links between them. According to the characteristics of those committing the violent act, the types proposed were divided into three broad categories(1):
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Many people tend to survive after an attempt to harm or end their lives and undoubtedly require medical attention to treat their injuries and disabilities.(5) As a result of this, it is estimated that a burden of over a billion US dollars per year is imposed economically.(6) Apart from the economic loss, the person's family is socially and emotionally affected by the step their loved ones take to harm or end their lives.(6) Men, especially middle age, appear to be more vulnerable than women in taking their own lives.(7) Tsai et. al, in a 24 year prospective study attempted to look into the factors which encourage men towards suicidal behaviour. It was observed that social integration was associated with a two-fold reduction in risk of death by suicide over the 24 year

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