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Media influence on teenagers
Theoretical framework for teenage pregnancies
An essay on the causes and effects of teenage pregnancy
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Recommended: Media influence on teenagers
The Views on Teens Pregnancies Through the Years
There are many different attributes to teenage pregnancy. The majority of teenagers do not realize the consequences of their actions. Taking that into consideration the influences of the teens are highly important during the pre teen stage all the way to adult hood. During the time of this impressionable stage many of the teens are having sex not because of love, but because it is a trend. The media is glamorizing teen pregnancy and leading to a cultural shift.
Around the world teenage pregnancy has been an issue. Many of the teen mothers are between 15 and 19. There have been a variety of attempts to provide a decline in teenage pregnancy such as: abstinence groups, the Federal Government, and local attempts. Teenage pregnancy was at an all time low in 2005 and then rose in 2006 and continues to rise. It is believed that teen pregnancy was lower because it was highly looked down upon as opposed to todays society it is more accepted.
The glamorization of teenage pregnancy has increased the different views on teenage pregnancies and also the way it influences young minds. In todays society the media covers stories on hollywood stars in the same way they would cover a teenage pregnancy story. "Forget leaking sex tapes, getting multiple plastic surgeries, and fist-pumping. The latest way to get on the cover of a tabloid these days? Get pregnant and have a baby when you're a teenager, and do it on TV"(McKay). The latest way to be put on tabloid like a movie star is to become pregnant as a teenager and become famous while doing it. In todays society young impressionable women are are infatuated with the media.
Lets shove the celebrities aside and take a closer look at another influe...
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..., TODAY. "Teen Births at Lowest Rate since 1940." USA Today n.d.: Newspaper Source Plus. Web. 20 Jan. 2014.
Kersey, Lori. "School Health Centers Seen as Way to Reduce Teen Pregnancy." Charleston Gazette, The (WV) 16 June 2013:Newspaper Source Plus. Web. 20 Jan. 2014.
McKay, Hollt. "Tabloids Glamorizing Teen Pregnancy By Putting Teen Moms on Covers?" Fox News. FOX News Network, 10 Sept. 2010. Web. 16 Jan. 2014.
Poe, Edgar Allan. Masterpieces of Mystery. New York, n.d. Print.
"Teen Pregnancy Reality Shows Reduced Teen Births, Study Says." UPI Top News (2014): Newspaper Source Plus. Web. 20 Jan. 2014.
"Teenage Pregnancy." Personal interview. 31 Jan. 2014.
...trop, K., Brown, J., & Ortiz, R. (2010). “Science Says #45: Evaluating the Impact of MTV’s 16 and Pregnant on Teens' Attitudes about Teen Pregnancy”. https://thenationalcampaign.org/resource/science-says-45 (accessed March 25 2014)
#2 Dinh, James. “MTV's '16 And Pregnant' Credited For Decline In Teen Pregnancy Rates.” MTV.com. 22 Dec. 2010. Web. 17 Mar. 2014.
Based on these statistics, teen pregnancy is obviously a large issue in this county. A possible solution to the issue would be that sex education could to be taught in junior and senior high schools and be taught by parents more often. By the time of sex education, a vast majority of students have already had sex. This may have played a part in Tony, from The Other Wes Moore, being a father at such a young age. The ultimately best solution to help stop teen pregnancy in this county alone is to provide a “sex clinic” to these teenagers. A safe sex clinic is a way of providing teenagers the facts of the real world and even offering various forms of birth control. As other solutions, parents need to have a sex talk with their children, and schools need to provide the option for a sex education more frequently. However, there is no way to mandate what parents teach to students, and it takes far too long to change a state's curriculum. That’s why, through this solution, the rate of teen births would show to decrease for the better.
The District of Columbia is the 23rd most population city in the United States with a population of 658,893 (Census). According to UNICEF, teen pregnancy is defined as “A teenage girl, usually within the ages of 13-19, becoming pregnant” ((Link 1). Nationally in the United States, there has been a steady decline of teen pregnancy within the past decade. However, it is not occurring in the District of Columbia, specifically Southeast DC (Ward 7 and 8) which includes areas such as: Lincoln Heights, Twining, Anacostia and Woodland. As of 2011, DC was ranked number nine in the nation for the highest rate of teen pregnancy. For the total amount of births, only 908 were from young women who were below the age of 20 in Washington DC. About 879 were from young women that were around high school ages 15-19. Specifically, Southeast DC is a low-income area, with approximately ¼ of teen mothers going on welfare within three years after their child’s birth (Link 2). As of 2012, out of the 790 births from teenage mothers, more than half, or 457 of the births mainly occurred in the Southeast DC area (Link4). This area has been plagued through various social determinants of health. This includes having repeated cycles of poverty, lack of comprehensive sexual education, especially in regards to contraception and a lot of violence occurring as a result of crimes. Ward 7 has approximately 95% of its citizens being Black and 2.3% of their citizens are Hispanic(Link 5). While in Ward 8 have about 94% of their citizens that are Black and 1.8% are Hispanic. Between both wards, about 63% of households including both Blacks and Hispanics are living below the federal poverty line and about 37% of births from the 2010 census were from teenage mothers. Abo...
Teen pregnancy is increasing yearly. According to the March of Dimes, teenage birth rates have decreased steadily in the country since 1991. Teenage birth rates in the United States remain relatively high compared to the more developed countries.
The overall teen birth rate has declined by 16 percent from 1991 to 1997. “All states are recording a decline and it is the sixth year in a row that the teen birth rate has declined,” stated Donna Shalala, HHS secretary of U. S. Newswire. Although the birthrate among teens is decreasing and the percentage of teenagers who have had sexual intercourse is declining, it is a multi-fauceted problem affecting today’s youth. The government is taking in to consideration all possibilities and conditions with teen births to make an affective way to prevent it.
As everyone knows, teen pregnancy rate is increasing more and more each day and someone needs to do something to try and either stop it or decrease it dramatically. Teen pregnancy is causing dramatic population increase and that’s just common sense. Teens getting pregnant at such a young age is also causing poverty levels to go up more and more. Mississippi Spent over $100 million on teen pregnancy alone in the year 2010 (“Teen Pregnancy”). Just think of what it is now. More teens are dropping out of school and not finishing their education. According to the authors of this article, “approximately 30 percent of teen mothers have mothers who dropped out of high school, 40 percent have mothers who are mothers who dropped out of high school, 40 percent have mothers who are high school graduates, and 30 percent have mothers who attended college”(Kearny et al 143). Many people don’t realize that there are many effects of teen pregnancy including higher risk of birth defect, more likely to drop out, and also abortion rates increase.
Red and blue lights are flashing and the noise of the ambulance impels everyone to a point where they have to look outside and observe the situation, as if a mystical force was compelling them. From what they can see, the paramedic is holding a tiny hand telling her to hold on. As the stretcher rolls by, the onlookers notice a huge lump, or ball as a few may say, under the pallid cotton covers. What they also take note of is that the pregnant woman is not a woman at all, but in fact a teenager. As some are astounded that a child is being born from a child, others possibly will look at it as a “blessing in disguise.” The issue of teenage pregnancy is affecting our society in innumerable ways and has become one of our top social issues of all time. “The latest estimates show that approximately 1 million teens become pregnant every year” (East, Felice, and Associates 1). With this high number of teenage pregnancy, it is no wonder that many authors try to exemplify this common subject matter. Katrina L. Burchett, author of Choices, accurately and effectively depicts teenage pregnancy among female adolescents living with domestic issues.
Statistics reported by The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy show that as of 2016, the teen birth rate was 20.3 births per 1,000 teen girls
Kathleen Deveny and Raina Kelly highlighted that “77 percent of Americans believe that Britney, Paris, and Lindsay have too much influence on young girls.” (¶ 4.6-8) These three celebrities are always in the media, so much so that we know just about everything that’s going on in their lives. Britney’s tacky lifestyle of erratic behavior, two over-night marriages that failed, a bizarre head-shaving episode, a few admittance to a mental hospital and losing custody of her children more or likely based on her behavior she shows to be an unfit mother. Under her 29 year-old belt, Britney portray...
In society today, teens are taught by the television and the media that pre-marital sex is not a bad thing. This problem is leading to many teenage pregnancies, that then lead to abortion. All over the world teens are faced with many challenges in their everyday lives. Sex is being portrayed as extremely appealing in the media, but what they don't show is the pregnancies and the unborn child that never asked to be created in the first place that is being discarded. Abortion is in no way acceptable, it is murder of an unborn child.
Hamilton, B. E., J. A. Martin, and S. J. Ventura. "Trends in Teen Pregnancy and Childbearing." The Office of Adolescent Health/OAH, 2013. Web. 17 Dec. 17.
The problem with teenage pregnancy is it requires intervention from society. This debate is from the perspective of teens, and absent from the medical, ethical, and political views on teen pregnancy. According to Jewell, Tacchi, & Donovan, (2000), teen pregnancy is not a problem for teens themselves but more of a problem for society. The large numbers of unintended pregnancies are among unmarried teens.
”New polling data from a nationally representative survey commisioned by The National Campaign,asked teens their opinions on media and teenage pregnancy and their views about 16 and Pregnant.Six in ten teens have watched some of 16 and pregnant.Among those teens who have watched the show,82% think that the show helps teen better understand the challanges of teen pregnancy and parenthood,compared to 15% who thinks that it glamorizes teen pregnancy.In addition,the clear majority of teen boys (67%) and girls(79%)agree with the statement”when a TV show or character I like deals with teen pre...
In conclusion teen pregnancy has hard an effect on society, in many ways. Most teen pregnancies were not planned. CFOS says that about 65% of teen pregnancy's were not even discussed with their sexual partners. All of the other percentage of teen pregnancy's were not planned either, but it had been discussed with the teen's sexual partner at some point in time. Most teens began having sex without knowing the consequences. Teenagers need to take responsibility and remember to keep safe, because there are various ways to prevent teen pregnancy, for example abstinence, sex education, and various types of birth control; because these methods are available children should not be brought into this world mistakenly.