Victory Over My Enemies Study Guide

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Victory over my enemies
Psalm 3:1-8

In this life you will come across some enemies. Enemies in school, enemies on your job, even in the church, a place where we should have peace, a place where we will come to praise and worship God. But you can't come and praise and worship because of your enemies, and this may sound mean but some of you are sleeping with the enemy but I encourage you to go head and praise God, look at your neighbors and say neighbor if you don't want to praise him don't hinder me.

im Reminded this morning of the movie that called to War Room
How many here have heard of the movie " War Room"?
How many have actually seen it?
Well for those who have haven't seen it i would like to give you a short portion …show more content…

don't worry about what people are going to say about you don't worry about how you going to get even with that person that did you wrong. you leave that in the hands of the lord, because the word says that revenges is mines saith the lord i will repay. look at your neighbor and say neighbor don't worry go on and get your beauty sleep.

1st point we notice is that david is reminding us to learn how to encourage ourselves

2nd point we notice is that in the midst of his enemies David was still able to go to …show more content…

do i have any davids that can stand up to the enemies and say if hell or high water comes i'm not afraid because i'm more than a conqueror, do i have any davids in the house wh that can stand and testify that god has delivered do i have any davids in the house who can tell somebody that you have been through something that nobody but god could bring you out.

so after David is delivered from his enemies, david praised God for the victory. so springfield get ready to put your shouting shoes on. get ready to get your best outfit and get ready to praise God. because you know for yourself that it was nobody, nobody but God. who deliver you.

so get ready to move on from the past, the hurt, the heartache, past the disappointment, pass the lies, pass all that is hindering you from what god has called you to do.

there somebody who still have not been delivered, somebody that the enemies have stolen all your prize possession. i want you to take your neighbor by the hand and say enemy you are not welcome here in the name of jesus. let him know he is not welcome in this place. let's take back what the enemy has stolen from

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