Vaccination Outline

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I. Introduction
II. Immunization Background and Statutory and Regulatory Mandates
A. Vaccine’s Origins and History
1. Small pox in Europe during 1400, associated with cities overcrowding.
a. Discuss the general public health problems this epidemic caused
b. Discuss the role of Government: European Government steps in by introducing variolation. o Briefly describe the process of variolation.
c. Spread of other epidemics during this time period, including Cholera and Malaria, in 19th century due to unsanitary and unhygienic conditions.
d. Public efforts to control the epidemics in the 20th century. B. “Father of the Vaccinations”: Edward Jenner
1. Invention of small pox vaccination.
2. Led to invention of other …show more content…

1.Make the vaccine exemption requirements stricter, requiring the approval of the child’s physician.
2. State of California recently passed a bill to eliminate personal belief exemptions
3. California should follow Dr. Edgar Marcuse’s, from University of Washington, recommendation on enacting, “thoughtful exemption process[es] with no onerous hurdles”
5. Begin educating the parents about the required vaccinates even before the child is born, so parents can make an well-informed decision on whether their child should be vaccinated or not.
6. Hold seminars for parents informing them about risks and benefits associated with vaccinations.
7. Conduct a study involving California residents, which demonstrates the reasons parents; choose to not get their child vaccinated.
8. Hold a public relations campaign to make parents aware of the diseases that can be prevented by vaccinating versus the risks vaccines impose.
9. Spread out the vaccine schedule; in other words, vaccines should be administered in intervals.
a. A study was conducted by physicians and placed in a Pediatrics article which showed that most parents preferred to have their child’s vaccines spread out when administered.

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