Vaccinating Children Argumentative Essay

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People all over the world go back and forth regarding the importance in vaccinating their children. It’s such a debated topic, which even the population without children are throwing in their thoughts regarding this issue. Some vaccinations have been around for hundreds of years, with newer vaccinations hitting the market over the recent last few years. While many vaccines are considered mandatory through the Center for Disease Control (CDC), there are quite a few immunizations that are optional. There is a stigma on both ends of the spectrum. If we divided the population into two separate groups, one group may argue that vaccinations pose a risk to the child rather than a benefit. On the other end, the second group may argue that children
Two of the biggest arguments against vaccinating children are the side effects they may pose and the chemicals that make up the vaccination. Another minor complaint is that parents feel they should have a choice in whether or not their child receives a certain vaccination, rather than it being mandatory. One of the biggest yet major side effects after receiving a vaccination is anaphylaxis. No one ever knows if his or her child will be allergic to the medication until after receiving it. Some parents fear that. More importantly is the chemical make up of the vaccination. “Some of these include formaldehyde, aluminum, and thimerosal. The true long term effects of these being injected into the body are hard to predict and study.” ("8 Biggest Pros and Cons of Vaccinations |," 2015). Many parents feel it would be better for the child to naturally acquire immunity to a disease or illness than to be injected with chemicals that are commonly known to be harmful.
Tentative Thesis Statement Vaccinating children should still remain a top priority as long as research is still being conducted to ensure that the benefits outweigh the risks. The more education provided to the population, the more informed the parents will be when making an important decision regarding their child’s

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