Vaccinating Children Argumentative Essay

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Would it be nice to never have to get pricked with that pointy needle again? Periodically, we will have to set aside what we don’t want to do and do what’s best for our children. To avoid getting sick, hundred of years ago scientist created a such thing called vaccines. Vaccines were created to protect your children from from harmful diseases and viruses. Getting vaccines are a great way to protect their health. I think all humans adequate enough to get vaccines should get them, diseases carry in the air and can be contracted very easily.
Some parents are considering to not vaccinate their children, which is causing a huge comeback of a number of diseases. These diseases are very contagious, times website says, “ If you are unvaccinated and …show more content…

Some individuals have medical exemptions come into play. Immunize for good says that , “ Unvaccinated children also pose a threat to children with legitimate medical exemptions who cannot be immunized.” An abundant of children may have a serious disease already such as Leukemia, Cancer, or HIV. They cannot receive vaccinations, so they rely on children who can be vaccinated to protect them. The community comes into play as well when it comes to children needing vaccines, immunize for good says again, “ Protecting your child through vaccination also protect vulnerable members of your community who cannot receive vaccines.” many children in your community and around the world have allergies to some of the vaccines, strangely not everyone can be vaccinated. Think about all the germs you come in contact with on the bus, train, and airplane. Cdc says that, “ each year, unvaccinated travelers get measles and bring it home.” When traveling, you should take precautions. Your child is being exposed to harmful viruses and or diseases. Without vaccination your child, traveling puts him/her at risk for contracting a deadly and serious

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