Utopian Society In Fahrenheit 451 By Ray Bradbury

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Have you ever thought that our society may be connected to a fictional utopian one? In Ray Bradbury’s book Fahrenheit 451, he writes about a utopian society that easily turned into a dystopia. The society in this book decided that books are dangerous because they contain history and information. Also, instead of firemen who put out fires, the firemen in this book start the fires to burn books. Even though our society isn’t a utopia necessarily, the book society and our society do have some similarities. For example, like our society, the Fahrenheit 451 society is focused on technology. As a result of this, the community comes across as disconnected from each other and antisocial. For example Mildred said, ‘It’ll be even more fun if we can afford to have the fourth wall installed… It’s only two thousand dollars’(Pg. 18 F451). This shows that Mildred really wants to surround herself with as much technology no matter what the cost. By installing the fourth wall …show more content…

The TV families are fake because they aren’t good with true emotions, and they don’t really care about each other. Mildred however believes her family cares about her because she spends so much time with them. It is even more fake and confusing when you don’t actually know them, and if your family is so big. Montag agrees with this statement when he said, ‘Who’s that man and who’s that woman?Are they husband and wife, are they divorced, engaged, what? Good God, nothing’s connected up’ (pg.43) This is similar to today’s Facebook and Instagram. You may feel fulfilled when you see you have 538 likes on your Instagram post, but really. Do you know any of these people? Why do you feel happiness from it? Because you think they are really your friends. Really they don’t like you personally, they just like your pictures. We must stop thinking that just because we have one thousand likes, doesn’t mean people really like

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