Use of Doping Agents/Alcohol in Australian Sports

912 Words2 Pages

The investigators of this study in this article are: Bosko Rowland, Falicity Allen, and John Toumbourou. The aim of the these three authors' study was to highlight the factors and impacts that alcohol plays in Australian sports. Furthermore, the aim of the authors' study was to also explain to the audience the Good Sports program that was designed to reduce the amount of harmful alcohol consumed in Australian community sports clubs. The method of this study was indiscriminate but was based off different clubs in Australia. Therefore, the authors used a method, in which they conducted a post-intervention adoption study to determine whether or not the community sports club, partnered through the Good Sports Program was associated with low rates of alcohol consumption. About 4.5 million Australians are involved in community sports clubs. Which brings upon the fact that Behavioral ecology argues that the environment influences alcohol related behaviors in sports clubs.
The authors’ of this article used the Good Sports Program database and organized information from Victoria, Tasmania, and South Australia. There were only two sports used for this study, the Australian Football League, and the Cricket club was invited because of their contribution to the program. Within the AFL, there is a total of Forty-Seven clubs. Among the Cricket club, there are a total of eighteen clubs. There were thirty surveys given to each sport with random instructions on how to return the surveys. Because the Good Sports Program originated in Victoria, most of the surveys came from there. The subjects in the study were fifteen year old adolescents, in which started sports at young ages and older men of the sports as well. There weren’t any specific charact...

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...atric side-effects, including aggressive and even violent behavior. Preventive measures include increased awareness among physicians, proper doping analyses, pedagogic interventions, and updated legislation. Doping in sport must be combated with much longer disqualifications of athletes using Anabolic Steroids, a proposal that has scientific support.

Works Cited

Sjöqvist, F., Garle, M., & Rane, A. (2008). Use of doping agents, particularly anabolic steroids, in sports and society. The Lancet, 371(9627), 1872-82. Retrieved from

Rowland, B., Allen, F., & Toumbourou, J. W. (2012). Impact of alcohol harm reduction strategies in community sports clubs: Pilot evaluation of the good sports program. Health Psychology, 31(3), 323-333. doi:

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