Unit 5 Samuel Research Paper

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Before Samuel, his fathers or fathers were Judges, his mother was Hanna which prayed and cried to the Lord daily for a son. Hanna told God if you bless me with a son he will be yours, and Jesus did as she asked. When Samuel was eating table food, his mother took him to live in Shiloh. When Jesus had called Samuel's' name, he thought it was his caregiver. Unknown to Samuel it was Jesus calling for him. He told Samuel to answer. The Lord appeared in front of Samuel and told him what Eli's children had done badly. For that they all will be punished. Israel decided on their own they will go to war with the Philistines. They lost 4,000 soldiers and they asked why God allowed this to happen. They decided to go get the agreement box so the Lord God would help them with this war, but their enemies took the box and kept it their selves. God placed many plagues to make their life bad. Finally …show more content…

Samuel called upon his people to have their faith in their God. Their blessing for doing so saved them from harm. The people of Israel had wanted to move from the crate to a monarchy. The elders went to their leader to see what could be done and took it upon their selves to tell Samuel he and his family was good enough and wanted a new leader. The people once again went against Gods choice of a leader and demanded another. Samuel was displeased with the people’s choice to replace him. He knelt down and worshiped God. God answered his prayer and said Samuel do as they ask, for they aren't displeased with you but myself. Samuel warned the people of the harm it may cause. Samuel had to give the people what they wanted. God said, as the first king, he chose Saul. Israel was still having trouble from his army and slaughter a lot of them, and it started a war between the two. The people were afraid for their life and ran

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