Unique To Christianity

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Tennent presents an interesting comparison and contrast of ‘salvation by grace through faith’ in Christianity with a particular element of Buddhism stressing on the same theme in the sixth Chapter on Theology in the Context of World Christianity. In this essay, an attempt will be made at summarizing the chapter on “Is Salvation by Grace through Faith Unique to Christianity,” followed by a critical evaluation and how it can be applied to my own ministry as part of contextualizing it.

In chapter six of the book, Tennent talks about Soteriology. Some features of it has been found in other religions as well hence the question of whether salvation by grace unique to Christianity alone is posed. The chapter opens to the tension in Christianity …show more content…

The Christians are among the minority in the sea of the other religious groups. With the recent emergence of the new ruling party, the Hindutva, Hinduism is exercising much power, making its presence felt in a mighty way. It is fast flourishing by suppressing other religious beliefs and one of the most suppressed are the Christians. For a Hindu, in order to attain moksha or Salvation, they have to go through four ways; the way of action, knowledge, devotion and the royal way. In these, a Hindu believer sacrifice by carrying out various religious ceremonies, perform yoga or meditation, duties and rites in order to be liberated from the endless cycle of life and death and also to please their gods. It is similar to the True Pure Land Buddhism where Amida through gathering of merits and chanting expects to be liberated and also liberate others in the process. For a Christian, Salvation is the grace of God which we receive by faith and we have already been liberated when we accept Christ. And for a Christian, there is nothing more greater than trusting in God. Faith liberates us from the need for performing works. I am not undermining the importance of religious practices here; it is equally important for a Christian to pray, communicate with God in prayer, follow certain disciplines as per the Word of God and our relationship with God. However, God can do without our works. God …show more content…

Salvation is more than liberation, it is about relationship and communion with the Father which one should accept with faith. Sacrifice as atonement for sins can be seen as a noticeable theme in the Hindu scriptures. This is an opportunity to tell them of Jesus’ sacrificial dead on the cross for atonement of human sin. We can share to the Hindus that our God is a relational God and for the sake of this relationship and His love for man, man is saved by God's grace when we put our faith in the sacrifice of Jesus not in your own righteous deeds. God gives grace but we receive it through faith. “For by grace are you saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: It is God’s gift, not of works lest any man should boast.” Ephesians 2:8 (The

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