Unique Fingerprint Patterns

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Fingerprints are ridges on the inside and tips of a person’s finger that form patterns that only that person will have. Even though your finger print pattern can be somewhat similar to someone else’s, everyone has their own unique and special pattern. That pattern can identify who you are. These patterns do not change over the course of your life starting from when you are born. Only thing that changes is that the ridges will get larger as you grow.
In 1686 Marcello Malphigi was the first to come up with the different patterns in a person’s finger but he didn’t go into that much detail. In 1880 Henry Faulds was the first to identify a fingerprint and came to the conclusion that they are used for identification purposes. By 1888 the first book about fingerprints called “Fingerprints” was published by Sir Francis Galton and he also developed the first system of classifying fingerprints. This system was made to state that no two prints are the same. In 1901 the Henry classification system was later developed by Sir Edward Henry, and this system categorized the ridge patterns into three groups: loops, whorls, and arches. These findings led to today’s fingerprint analysis. Which is used everywhere. Fingerprinting was later introduced to prisons, the army, and widely used for identification by law enforcement.
Fingerprint analysis is a technique that compares images of prints taken to fingerprints that are already in a database. Fingerprint analysis is a strong tool in testing for identification. It is used to be able to tell who a person is. Fingerprints have been used for many years to positively identify a person. People use fingerprints for numerous things such as: time clocks at work, ids, documentations, background checks, and...

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...al scanners and capacitance scanners. These scanners identify the prints by using reflective lights and electrical currents to look at the ridges. By using these scanners it helps the examiner to be able to compare the image of the fingerprint taken to the one in the database better. Computer systems are also used to analyze fingerprints because they sometimes give better results.
I have come to the conclusion that fingerprint analysis is most commonly used with law enforcement. Without this process it would make it hard for police officers and or detectives to do their job. This helps them decide on who is the suspect and close the case and it can also link suspects to other cases that have yet to be solved. Big businesses and government jobs use them as well but not as much as law enforcement. Law enforcement is the main reason why fingerprinting is so popular.

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