Unforgettable Hours Essay

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Unforgettable Hours Today’s snowy weather brought back a memory from my childhood. I still remember those horrible hours and I will remember it every time we get a snowstorm. I was a little girl who did not exceed the ten years yet. I was the bravest of my other three sisters even if two of them were older. Back in the 1990’s my father decided to visit his cousin who was returning to his hometown “Homs” for the first time in decades. My father drove the whole family from Damascus to Homs in the beginning of December. When we left that morning, the weather was cloudy and cold. The closer we got to Homs the temperature dropped. I remember everyone in the car was laughing when …show more content…

The car moved so slowly among the heavy snow. The curvy road was almost empty of cars. It was dubious looking, a very dark, dreary, and dismal night. I looked at my father who drove so carefully that he could not speak to us, as the situation was so critical. My mother understood the situation as severe weather kept us frightened. I noticed her praying for our safety. All of the sudden the car slid and everyone started to scream. I remember my younger sister crying and asking to go home. I thought it was the end of life. After that horrible moment the silence captured all of us. Fear clutched our hearts. Despite the miserable situation, my father was a strong man, brave, insisting to resist angry nature. However, things became unexpected when he figured out that he took the wrong road. He continued driving until we noticed a light coming from a small place on the side of the road. Luckily, it was an old fashioned gas station. No one was there my father was knocking on the door when a man with a scarf on his face opened the metal door. The man was talking using gesturing right and left, then all of the sudden he and Dad walked toward the car and asked us to go inside that small gas station building. Back then, there weren’t any cellphones, only landlines. He offered us some of his tea, but he didn’t have enough cups so we ended up sharing the only three cups in the place. He kept us there for an hour until the storm settled down. My father filled the

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