Uncle Sam Analysis

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In today’s world, nearly all newspapers contain political cartoons that highlight particular viewpoints or ideas through the use of images. These images tend to be exaggerated, informative, and sometimes even humorous. However, all of these features are dependent on the view of the individual and the way he or she interprets the illustration. Take for instance Uncle Sam’s famous portrait “I Want You for the U.S. Army.” Originally published as the cover for the July 6, 1916, issue of Leslie's Weekly with the title "What Are You Doing for Preparedness?" the portrait of Uncle Sam went on to become--according to its creator, James Montgomery Flagg--"the most famous poster in the world." However, in reality it is only well-known among fellow Americans because of its use as propaganda during World War II. The U.S. government produced these posters in an attempt to get the public to fully support the war effort. Do you think that someone who wasn’t from this time period or from the United States would be able to discover all this information by solely analyzing the image? Now, in order to answer this question, we must first imagine ourselves as an extra-terrestrial anthropologist. As someone who’s mission is to objectively study and analyze humans and their customs. What can we tell by simply looking at the famous Uncle Sam picture?
We can start by stating exactly what we can visually see in the picture. The image consists of the upper body of a gray-haired man with a goatee, wearing a white colored top hat with a thick blue band around the bottom cone-part of the top hat. It’s also worth noting that the band has white stars going around it, which could be symbolic. The man appears to be wearing a white collared shirt with a navy-blue c...

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... patriot sentiment. However, it is also responsible for evoking a sense of guilt by making the viewer feel like the country is depending on him or her and should therefore enlist in the U.S. Army.
To conclude, it is now pretty clear to me that the image is focused on Uncle Sam. He is the ultimate fundamental figure in our studies of humans and Americans. By choosing to make Uncle Sam the central focus, Flagg created a countrywide known figure that almost every person could identify and relate to, which made simplified my studies. Regarding the actual poster, I understand that this poster had tremendous success at one point in time, but I think that it is now outdated. I don’t think that it could achieve the same results if, for any reason, our country went to war again. I need Uncle Sam to start thinking of new persuasive ideas if he wants those results again.

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