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The military is what protects our country which usually mean weapons are involved defending our country. The military isn’t all about war and combat, there are other careers that people can pursue rather than fighting. Jobs that don’t involve combat are usually really similar to typical civilian jobs. The military is a great career to pursue because there will always be a need for it. Before enlisting into the military it is good to know what the military does, how much money a service member makes, the education and training required, and the job out outlook. The military is involved in a lot of different things but there are specific things that they do. Military service purpose is to train for and perform different task to keep the United States a safe country. Every service member has their specific job in the military, when someone enlists in the military they already know what they want to do. The most common jobs in the military are fighter pilots and infantrymen. Those are just some of the few jobs of the hundreds of jobs that the military provides. Service members that are not in combat work in jobs that are similar to civilian occupations such as nurses, doctors, and lawyers. There are five different branches in the military; the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, and the Coast Guard. Each of these branches specializes in different things. Marines and army are involved with combat as in infantry men. The Air Force is known for planes and fighter pilots. Coast Guard deals with people watching the coast and saving people that get stuck out on sea. There a specific duties that the military do. They have to distinguish between the two different careers enlisted or officer. Most of the service members in the military are invol... ... middle of paper ... ...ufficient to defend the country and fight for the country. The need for the military is very high because without the military our country could be taken over by other countries and without our military we wouldn’t be able to go to other countries and help settle their differences. Every branch in the military plays a vital role in protecting the country. The armed forces are expected to remain roughly the same through 2022. There are an unlimited number of jobs that are available for anyone in the military. There is always a job for someone to do. Employment options are high in any branch of military a service member is in. In conclusion the military has multiple things it does, and the salary of service members is good. Also the education and training require is nothing out of the ordinary and the job outlook is really good for the military service in the future.

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