Tybalt's Contribution to William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet

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Tybalt's Contribution to William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet

In every one of Shakespeare’s tragedies, the story is built up like a

jigsaw, with vital pieces, that build up to the final overall piece.

There are events or characters that influence the tragedy and pay a

great amount of contribution towards it. For instance, the romantic

tragedy, ‘Romeo and Juliet’ could not have occurred if the lovers had

not met at a ball. This essay will explore the contribution made by

Tybalt, Juliet’s cousin, towards the tragedy, ‘Romeo and Juliet’, and


The first thing we should consider about Tybalt’s contribution is his

characteristics. Tybalt is considered a fiery character, proud, and

violent. All that are listed can be reflected in his name, which is

usually used for cats rather than humans. This creates expectation of

how his character will be like and is the source of most jokes made in

the play about him.

Tybalt’s character can be described as aggressive, sulky, and violent.

Defending his honour plays a major contribution to the tragedy. For

instance, we can take the scene where Tybalt spots Romeo at the

Capulet ball, causing no trouble whatsoever.

‘ Now, by the stock of honour of my kin,

To strike him dead I hold it not a sin.’

This quote shows how, even though Romeo does not display a threat,

Tybalt is ready to fight him to death considering the family honour at


‘Tybalt: It fits with such a villain is a guest;

I’ll not endure him.’

This quote shows how, even though Capulet claims that he must endure

Romeo, as he poses no threat, he opposes his uncles request. This at

the time was cons...

... middle of paper ...

... anger and

hate towards each family is bred in the family and children are

trained to believe the other is an enemy. The youth were the people

who carried on the feud and were to pass it on to their children. The

feud causes untimely death though of 5 youths, Tybalt, eventually dies

by being so tied up in the feud, Romeo, Paris, who is dragged into

feud even though has nothing to do with it, Mercutio, who is not

included in the feud either and Juliet. These deaths cause the end of

the feud.

In conclusion I believe that Tybalt contributes a great amount towards

the tragedy by encouraging the feud. His characteristics are the main

cause to his actions and if Tybalt would have been a little more

calmer and less aggressive Romeo would not have killed him and become

exiled, which in consequence leads to the tragedy.

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