Twelfth Night's Reflection Upon Women

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Twelfth Night's Reflection Upon Women

When Shakespeare wrote the play Twelfth Night in about 1602, women

were generally thought of inferior to men meaning they were lower

class. Shakespeare does no accept this idea. He shows this when he was

asked by Queen Elizabeth 1 to write a play with love and comedy, the

two main characters are very strong women and the male characters are

very weak.

Olivia is rich, noble and very emotional and very strong in character.

In act 1 scene 2 we learn that Olivia’s brother and father have

recently passed away, Olivia has a very strong love for her brother

because of this she made some extreme vows: she will not show her face

at ample view, “but like a cloistress she will veiled walk”. She will

cry in her room everyday, she loved her brother so much that she was

willing to keep his memory alive by mourning for seven years, this

shows the very strong character she held, as this was an almost

impossible task.

Women were thought of as inferior at the time the play was written.

Women were ruled by the men of the household, but because Olivia’s

father and brother have died she has no-one to rule her life, this

shows her strength as she has taken advantage of this, by ruling her

own household and servants by herself. Olivia is confident enough to

seek what she wants gracefully for example in act 1 scene 5 Olivia

wants Cesario/Viola to come back again, in order to get Cesario/Viola

to come back Olivia removes her ring and forces Marvolio, (her head

servant) to take it to Cesario “Run after that same peevish messenger”

“He left this ring behind him” she did this so that Cesario would come

back again...

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... than do it for himself. The play also tells us that

Orsino only thinks about how he loves Olivia he doesn’t even think

about whether Olivia loves him he just expects her to love him.

Sebastian, Viola’s brother is also a very weak male character, when he

marries Olivia he lets her take control of him he does what she tells

him to do which shows how weak he is because he doesn’t control her or

his own life.

Overall Viola is the stronger woman as when Olivia’s brother dies

Olivia makes extreme vows where as when Viola thinks her brother is

dead she does not make extreme vows or mourn, she gets on with her

life, which shows that she is the stronger woman.

The fact that Duke Orsino and Sebastian are such a weak male

characters, they make the women look as though they are even stronger

than they already are.

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