Truth And Justice Essay

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Justice without truth seems like a half sentiment, perhaps in the world of politics truth can only be relative, since the whole of it will only reveal the degree to which inhumanity and senseless violence exist. Perhaps the real question is: why for the past century of modern politics have we accepted and designated to half-truths? Even though the ideal concept of truth and justice existing only together seems far-fetched, but in a world wrecked with turbulence and seeking revolution it is necessary to reclaim the ancient philosophical concepts of only determining justice based on the entire truth.
A period of time is required after war to decide the necessary procedure for people to have justice because it is the government’s legal obligation. After studying the cases of Chile and South Africa, it is clear that they are two cases worth studying side by side in terms of the relationship between truth and justice in modern politics, as well as in relation to victims in modern age.
Of course there is a challenge in implementing justice. Whether it’s a corrupt justice system, a fragile peace transition, large numbers of perpetrators or victims, and legal impediments such as amnesty laws. People can get justice through fair trials, truth seeking and fact finding, reparations, institutional reform, or memorialization. These mechanisms can be implemented by the national government, United Nations, international organizations or civil society. In order for these mechanisms to be successful they must be victim- centric, pragmatic, empowering, and work in the path of rebuilding trust relationships. Also, to emphasize the balance and for choosing the best strategy for justice, it is necessary to:
“Determine which elements of truth, justic...

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...onal human rights law and international humanitarian law, as well as the development within international criminal law needed to enforce IHRL and IHL and the international criminal law itself, and criminal law traditionally imposes obligation on individuals, and duties on states to sanction violations committed by individuals.
If there was no punishment for perpetrators then it means it will happen again, and if there is no justice then it means there will be no respect. In my opinion, the choice is not one or the other, justice vs. truth is a wrong concept because both complete each other and there cannot be justice without truth because truth is a way of getting justice and truth could a compensation for many victims. So truth is one step to justice, but it is not the only step it has to be followed by fair trials and other procedures for justice to be complete.

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