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Triple bottom line considerations
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Recommended: Triple bottom line considerations
The Triple Bottom-Line Concept Explained The Triple Bottom Line (TBL) concept is a unique concept that is anticipated to develop the goal of sustainability and to measure environmental responsibility. It consists of the three Ps: Profits, People and the Planet. Together, the three Ps takes into account the use of sustainable environmental practices, measuring the social, environmental and financial strength of the firm. The Triple Bottom-Line Concept’s Best Strength and Its Worst Weakness The strength of the TBL is that it measures the social, financial, and environmental performance of the firm. It also takes into consideration sustainable practices as well as measures profitability and the reduction of environmental impacts. It also empowers …show more content…
Environmental 3. Social The economic measurement of a firm is used to decide how much is generated in monetary value. It takes into account the method of using traditional accounting principles that consider the inflow and outflow of capital from the firm which includes assets, liabilities and cash. Clearly, the TBL identifies that economic sustainable principles are the pillars that strengthen its ability to work pleasantly in its social and environmental backgrounds. That is why profits are calculated when employees’ movement and the costs of pollution are considered. The social measurement of the firm is sometimes considered a difficult task to measure or define because it takes into account the impact that a firm has on people within the organization and the society at large. As a result of this, the TBL works in ways that create welfare or benefit the society by ensuring that it is not being demoralized or threatened by the firm’s operation. The TBL considers social factors that include labor utilization and pay rates, ethical principles, health and safety needs and contributions to the living standards of people within and outside of the …show more content…
It is important to note that the TBL concept can be used by governmental agencies, national and international organizations, and the business community. The TBL concept can be used by corporations to make resolutions in a more transparent way by allowing society to gain an in-depth understanding of its commitment to corporate social responsibility. On the other hand, governments around the world can use the TBL concept to help society evaluate and compare corporate performance across all three measures against the firm’s goals and objectives in the long run. How the Triple Bottom-Line Concept Applies to Your Current
With forward movement in society, it is important to consider not just what will propel most toward success, but also what will help to sustain the environment along the way. What may have been considered appropriate decades ago, may no longer be socially acceptable due to the changes observed in both the business world and the environment (Fiske, 2010). Therefore, it is important for organizations thriving in today?s economy to consider how they may capitalize most effectively from their product or service of choice while minimizing or eliminating any damages along the way (Knoke, 2012).
A business should make sure its methods of production are not negatively affecting its employees and that all the people in the business are happy and willing to work. Also, a business should make sure that its methods of production are not producing any waste on land or water or air pollution, for these negatively affect society. A business that cares about it’s influence on the environment, and its consumers is bound to make a difference. For example: General Mills wants to reduce the amount of energy it uses. In order to do this, they had energy monitors installed into some of their equipment in one of their manufacturing plants. The result: General Mills saved around six hundred thousand dollars (James). Profit can be obtained faster by a business that is looked upon as a positive influence on the environment and its employees. Overall, a business should be careful about how it produces its products and think about society’s health before it makes a decision, for if it doesn’t, the liability for damage is a much greater price to
Social responsibility can be defined as “the continuing commitment by business to behave ethically and contribute to economic development while improving the quality of life of the workforce and their families as well as of the local community and society at large” (Mallen Baker, 2004). In addition, social responsibility has been defined differently by various corporate leaders that provide guidelines which impacts how one manages the core business. Social responsibility is an essential part of a business. If managed correctly should strengthen the competitive spirit of the company and provide prosperity to society.
To supply the wants and needs of a consumer, society entrusts wealth-producing resources to the business enterprise.” (Santayana, George. Is The Tyranny Of Shareholder Value Finally Ending? So before we go into greater detail on the different perspectives related to social responsibility, one might question the meaning of social responsibility. It is generally agreed that social responsibility is defined as the business obligation to make decisions that benefit society.... ...
An organization’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) drives them to look out for the different interests of society. Most business corporations undertake responsibility for the impact of their organizational pursuits and various activities on their customers, employees, shareholders, communities and the environment. With the high volume of general competition between different companies and organizations in varied fields, CSR has become a morally imperative commitment, more than one enforced by the law. Most organizations in the modern world willingly try to improve the general well-being of not only their employees, but also their families and the society as a whole.
Lawrence, A. T., & Weber, J. (2014). Business and Society (14thth ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Companies Inc
Milton Friedman presents a compelling argument in “The Social Responsibility of Business is to Increase Profits” by arguing that businesses need to focus only on increasing their profits and integrating social responsibility will only hurt them as a company. Since “only people can have responsibilities” (Friedman 52), Friedman argues that businesses as a whole do not have any type of real responsibilities because there is not a singular person for these responsibilities to fall on. Corporate executives are people as well and may feel they have social responsibilities to society but these “are the social responsibilities of individuals, not of business” (51). In terms of corporations, the businessmen are the ones that hold the responsibility of the company. Friedman argues that the only responsibility these managers hold is to those who own the corporation, the shareholders. If the individuals themselves want to contribute to social responsibility they must do it with their own money in their personal lives, but they should not use social responsibility in
Triple bottom line is defined as “a corporation’s ultimate success or health can and should be measured not just by the traditional financial bottom line, but also by its social/ethical and environmental performance” (Norman and MacDonald, 2003). There are many advantages when it comes to being a triple bottom line corporation. While incorporating the triple bottom line, you are also incorporating sustainability you’re your business. Therefore, becoming a triple bottom line corporation means it is one step higher towards helping save the planet. Becoming sustainable is cost efficient. Although it may cost a significant amount of money to convert, it will pay itself off in the long run. Additionally, it will help reduce expenses while saving
In conclusion, I have to say that there is a solid invisible relationship between impacts of businesses on environments, profitability of sustainable business, and responsibility of business. When one of these ones changes, it will effect to others. When a business adapts efficient and sustainable system, it will reduce negative externalities and increase positive externalities to environment. Once the business adapted efficient business model, it will reduce cost and maximize its profits. Obviously, the sustainable and efficient business model will make the business social more responsible to environments.
Dahl(1972: 18) “every large corporation should be thought of as a social enterprise: that is an entity whose existence and decisions can be justified insofar as they serve public or social
The following research carried out by Mefford, concluded that companies, which were practicing corporate social responsibilities, lead to increase competitiveness, profitability and valuation of the firm. Further, it also established that with the implementation of green supply chain and pro...
Sustainability contains three dimensions which are environment, economy and social (ibid.) and Tassal is dealing with all of them. To implant theory in to practices, the biggest Salmon company create an annually sustainable report, which included financial information and more importantly, the goal and process on their sustainability commitments.
While the concept of an individual having responsibility is commonly recognized, modern views have lead to the emerging issue of corporate responsibility. Business Directory.com defines corporate social responsibility as, “A company’s sense of responsibility towards the community and environment (both ecological and social) in which it operates. Companies express this citizenship (1) through their waste and pollution reduction processes, (2) by contributing educational and social programs, and (3) by earning adequate returns on the employed resources.” But such a concept has been much disputed since at least the 1970’s.
... above their competition. It is also a win-win situation for both the employers and stakeholders as both parties are able to get some benefits out of it. In order for company to derive maximum value from the public reporting, alignment with stakeholders’ requirements and maintaining the qualitative characteristics of reported information is very critical. There are increasingly that company performing TBL reporting as it can deliver them a rapid level of evolution and respect in the business environment. Although TBL reporting is not a mandate requirement by government currently, it is much harder for any organization to ignore the TBL impacts on the environment, economic and social. Therefore, organizations are ought to make an effort to address their TBL performance, to gain both reputational as well as economic, environmental and social benefits in the long run .
He advised corporate may use own financial, managerial and human resource in reconstruction measures adopted for the goodness of society. Gradually his advice was taken seriously and it got accepted in theory that corporate had to share overhead costs with the society. Traditionally, CSR was done to society in form of donations to educational institutes, medical and science based researches. But the most important change noticed in 90s was corporates accepting social responsibility as an integral part of management activity. Tata Iron and Steel Company introduced the concepts of “Social Responsibility” (Gupta, 2007). Sethi (1975) was the first person to introduce the term corporate social performance, which was later expanded by Carroll (1979), and then Wartick and Cochran (1985) refined it. Sethi (1975) gave three-level model in which the concept of corporate social performance was discussed in details with the differences explained in various types of corporate behaviors. According to Cochran (2007) Sethi’s three level model discussed ‘social obligation’ meaning response to legal and market constraints; ‘social responsibility’ meaning congruency with societal norms; and social responsiveness meaning adaptive, anticipatory and preventive behavior. Later years of 20th century witnessed corporates making active participation in the mainstream development of the society and showed greater concern for the disadvantaged groups of the society. According to Mohan (2001) this drive was internally (corporate own will) and externally (increased government and public expectations) inspired. As per the reports of a sample survey conducted in 1984 an amount of 47% was