Trip To Australia

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The thick burnt scent of roasted coffee tickled the tip of my nose, just seconds before the old faithful alarm blurted a distorted top-forty through its tiny top speaker. As I wiped away the grit from last night’s sleep, the stark white sunlight blinded me momentarily as I slung my arm along the top of the alarm, searching for an off button. While stretching my hands and feet to the four posts of my bed, my eyes opened after several watery blinks. Swinging my legs over the side of the bed, I crawled out of the comforter, edging awkwardly like a butterfly from a cocoon. The dusty pebbles on the chilled wood floor sent ripples spiralling from my ankles to the nape of my neck, when my feet hit the floor. Grabbing my emerald robe, recently bathed in fabric softener and a wintry wind, I knotted it tightly at my waist like a prestigious coat of armour. I walked over to the window of the hotel I was staying at, at Palm Beach. I looked outside. I just couldn’t believe that, for the first time in my life, I was in Australia.

The sand was glistening in the humid sun, and the beach itself was quite empty. It is one of the most picturesque beaches in Australia. The surface of the sea was a perfect mirror, and the seashore was a battlefield of minuscule golden pieces. A rocky cliff, which surrounded some of the beach, was just a few kilometers away. Its face was scarred, disfigured and covered in moss, small plants and all sorts of bushes. It was the most exquisite sight. I looked further down the horizon; a flaming star: the sun, it had begun to rise even more so than five minutes before. Light strayed across the gold and purple wash of swirls and curls, which slivered across the blotted canvas. As I looked out to the sky I was more relax...

... middle of paper ... back in England in my back yard. They were pure white, almost brand new. The view was the same; it was as though the land had just been newly formed, as though the sea had been crafted by something magical and the cliff was carved by the most delicate hand. A though the sun had been placed in the sky by an angel. It was just perfect.

When I finished pondering how the earth was made, I went to the next room: the lounge. It was great. There was a mini bar and a fridge, a huge square sofa, which nearly took up all of the room. Pot plants of all different sorts. The floor was wooden. I remember this because I saw the hotel room in the brochure, and I fell in love with it. We had a TV too. It was enormous: a silver, flat screen, HD TV, seventy two inch. That too I fell in love with.

That was it; I didn’t have time to look anymore. It was time for my shopping spree…

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