Trebuchet Research Paper

739 Words2 Pages

Table of Contents

1. Introduction
1.1 Basic Information………….2
1.2 History………………………….2
2. Materials…………………………….2
3. The Trebuchet at First Glance
3.1 Parts of the Trebuchet
3.2 How It Works
4. Projectile distance factors
4.1 Counterweight mass
4.2 Counterweight height
4.3 Projectile mass
4.4 Angle
5. Impacts on the community
6. Definitions
7. References

List of Figures
Figure 1 Parts of a Trebuchet
Figure 2 Counterweight mass table
Figure 3 Counterweight height table
Figure 4 Projectile mass table
Figure 5 Angle table
Figure 6 Table of Definitions

1.0 Introduction
1.1 Basic Information
A trebuchet is a siege device that was used in the wars and sieges of the Middle Ages. It is used to either smash masonry walls or to throw projectiles over them. It is sometimes called the “counterweight trebuchet” in order to differentiate it from an earlier weapon that has come be to be called the “traction” trebuchet, the original type with pulling men instead of a counterweight.
1.2 History
The trebuchet is first used by the Chinese in 2nd century AD. It is thought to be developed from the stave sling. The trebuchet was invented because there was a need for a device that could throw a heavy load over a large distance. The trebuchet reached Europe during the early Middle Ages. It is also thought by historians that the French made major modifications to then trebuchet to make it more efficient. The trebuchet was widely used by European soldiers by 500 AD.
2.0 Materials
To build a trebuchet you need long wood pieces, pliers, thin metal wires, sandpaper, cylindrical metal rods, nails, thread, wood glue, saw and fabric. The fabric is used as a munition, with thread to sew it on. Oak wood is often used becaus...

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...d its position, or height above the ground.
Kinetic Energy The energy of a body or a system with respect to the motion of the body or of the particles in the system The kinetic energy is the energy that is transferred from the kinetic energy from the counterweight. It is released at high velocity.
Gravity The force of attraction by which terrestrial bodies tend to fall toward the centre of the earth.
Projectile Motion A form of motion in which an object or particle (called a projectile) is thrown obliquely near the earth's surface

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