Treatment Of Women In Medieval Times Essay

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Women in the medieval times were definitely not treated as women in in today’s society. But how do you even began to compare the difference you ask? Well it’s pretty hard to imagine because you never in your wildest dreams thought that some woman would be treated so poorly during the medieval times. The dominance towards men is remarkably unbelievable and how much women were forced to work verses the man. The research results that I have found shocked me and made me realize just how hard the women in the medieval times had it.

Life of the medieval woman was not a comfortable place and was dictated by the church doctrine. In the churches eyes there were two types of ideas on women. The first view was that women were evil and that they were the daughters of Eve. The second view was that women were blessed as the Virgin Mother of Christ. Women were objects of temptation and therefore considered dangerous. The church did not allow a woman to hold any position of authority and even though some women did live their lives according to word of god, …show more content…

Unlike Joan of Arc, Christine was very well educated and considered a pioneer feminist writer and notable women writer of the medieval times. At the age of 15, Christine married and had three children. Christine husband died in 1389 and she took up writing to support herself. Although she had lost her ties to the French monarchy after her father died, she did have offers to join the royal courts of England and Milan, she decided to stay in France and continue her writings. After years of war, her life was changed and she ended up joining a covenant in France. Although she wrote a bit while she was there, her last piece of literature was written in regards to Joan of Arc praising her life and values. As you can see the possible theory of women from medieval times is already affecting the lives of women in later

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