Travel Writing Dubai

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Travel Writing Dubai

The monotonous hours on the plane ended as I walked to the bus which

drove the passengers to the airport. The cool Dubai breeze hit me for

the first time like a strong scent coming from the perfume section of

Marks & Spencers and I forced my mood to alleviate as I was now no

longer tightly squeezed into the torturing seats of the plane. With

one earphone piece in my right ear, listening to music, I tried to

avoid the screeches of the young children and toddlers being awoken

from the eight hour flight and being carried down to the bus.

Fortunately, the weather had also lightened its mood and had let the

heat fade away replacing it with the cool breeze that penetrated my

skin as freezing water after a hot day at the beach.

My dad was now hastily searching for our British passports as he was

sat down on one of the hot seats in the bus. My mum, who looked as if

she had been woken from a twenty-four hour sleeping marathon, was now

busy combing her springy hair and replacing the layer of shiny

lipstick back on her lips. On the other hand, my sister was now

perturbed from undergoing a marathon of her own; going without the

toilet for ten hours. Every time she had endeavoured to get up from

her seat and go to the toilet the constant queue of four or five

desperate people (mainly mothers in a hurry to change their infants’

nappies) in front of the small cubicles returned her back in to her

own seat.

It took about two minutes for the bus to slowly drive from the

Emirates plane (which now looked like a motionless mammoth with fleas

working on it) to the airport. Getting through the black tinted glass


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off - daydreaming about the next adventure we were about to encounter

at the next stage of our trip. Images came into my mind , when we

were back home, about my dad telling me about Saudi Arabia and the

torturing heat that awaited us. I also thought about the images I had

seen of this holy country and I aspired to see what the core of the

Islamic faith held in store for us.

After ten minutes or so the long awaited announcement sounded our

ears; “Please could passengers for flight number seven – zero – three

to Saudi Arab make their way to the terminal gates”. The long ten

hours had given us a chance to rest and gave us a taste of the zest

and excitement of Dubai. No doubt I was looking foreword to coming

back to Dubai after two weeks and indulging myself in the excitement

of exploring all of Dubai.

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