Traquan's Analysis

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With respect to violent behavior, there are reports that Traquan has illegally used a weapon and bullied/threatened people. A weapon was used in the current offense. With respect to his disposition toward others, Traquan recognizes that most people do not have malicious intentions and/but he sometimes gets upset over small things. Traquan believes violence and verbal aggression are sometimes appropriate, as evidenced by his behavior in the present matters before the court. Insert an example in this section of what he did or said to justify this paragraph.


Traquan blames others for his problem behavior and felt unconcerned while engaged in it. He is ambivalent regarding the effect on, and obligations toward, the victims of his …show more content…

Traquan, while he does not demonstrate skills at generating or applying solutions, can at least identify his problems. He recognizes that some problem behavior is controllable, but frequently fails to take responsibility. For example, he can at least identify triggers in his environment (such as persons, events, emotions) although he is not always successful in responding. Regarding his social skills, Traquan can reason there are two sides to a situation, but can have trouble accepting other points of view. ??He has some difficulty in expressing his needs and feelings effectively.

Traquan lacks skills and motivation for developing realistic goals and plans. For example, he knows some self-control techniques to respond to triggers in his environment, but does not always follow through with action. Regarding his social skills, Traquan can reason there are two sides to a situation, but can have trouble accepting other points of view. ??He can appropriately express needs and feelings in an assertive, non-confrontational way. (Two statements that are …show more content…

Traquan’s areas of strength were identified as community and having some positive peers. Traquan’s pattern of offending appears to be that he is easily influenced by negative peers pressure and associations, has difficulty following rules, and he does not weigh the consequences of his actions. He is extremely impulsive, has difficulty taking the perspective of others and has difficulty of experiencing empathy. He has shown violence to be an acceptable means of addressing problems to his way of thinking. The priority areas of criminogenic need that are part of that pattern of offending and most predictive of reoffending were identified as violence/aggression, skills, community/peers, drugs/alcohol, and school. Specific risk factors and skill deficits include: violence/aggression, skills and community/ negative peer

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