No ,parents shouldn't let their child be a transgender at an early age. Most parent think that there kids are just having a phase. Young kids don't really understand becoming a transgender. It can be very hard for your child to come out. Once they do it's going to be very hard for them at school. Studied show that kids who become transgender get bullied all the time in school. Your child can feel alone and they will have anxiety, depression and suicidal thoughts.
Some parent will let their child become a transgender. Parent who decide to them be transgender have to rename their kid and retake picture and change their child physically appearance. people can be so mean to children that are's hard for parent to accept their child appearance.Persons say “He’s just a different kind of boy. Maybe he’ll be gay.” Children are small and they shouldn't able to decide to be a transgender at an early age. Once there an adult they can be able to decide then.
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Yes, it's important for your child to know that you support their decision that they have who don't feel good about there personally self and when the dress up like into a boy or girl ,they feel that what they were supposed to be.
Studies show that supporting them will be better for their mental health. It will be hard at first for your child to have some friend.As years go on your child will be confident about them self. You can accomplish this by being a supportive parent. You would want your child to be depress, you want to see your child happy about
themselves. Other parent wouldn't let their child become transgender at an early age. When their child doesn't get the support from their parents they are mostly likely to have suicidal thoughts. Your child will need all the love and support you can give them. You have to understand why they decision they have made. This will change the attitude of your child. “Family acceptance predicts greater self-esteem, social support, and general health status,” Being there for your child is the best way to make them feel better about themselves. They can be be some hard times but with your support it won't matter.
In regards to the development of gender identity, it is a more complex issue to deal with, as one has to be concerned about all aspects of the person life, starting from even before they have been born (Swaab, 2004), to a point in their life where they are settled and satisfied with their identity. The American Psychological Association states that while development is very fluid among young children, it is usually believed to form between ages 3 and 6, however many transgender, individuals are not able to embrace their true gender identity until much later in life, largely due to societal stigma associated with these identities.
The great feminist theorist once said “‘Sometimes people try to destroy you, precisely because they don’t see it, but because they see it and don’t want it to exist’” (Mook 195). Support becomes very important for transgender people at the time they transition. Many families support their transgender family members, but society rejects their transition. Many people want transgender people out of their communities.
Transgendered people have a different and unique fight than the rest of the community. Transgendered peoples not only have the issues of “coming out,” (as others in the communities do) but also becoming a different gender. There are different obstacles that Trans people have to face.
“The federal government and almost every state recognize transgender people’s right to change their name and to have identification documents with the gender marker that matches their gender identity.” (Jami Kathleen Taylor, 2007) There are a lot of misconceptions on what the meaning of transgender is, some think that they only become the person whether it is male to female, or female to male after surgery. What people fail to realize is that every transgender person transitions in their own way.
Puberty is a difficult time for any child, but for transgender teens, it can be the difference between becoming who they want to be or remaining in the wrong body. In June of this year, PBS Frontline released a documentary, entitled Growing Up Trans, which chronicled the lives of eight transgender and nonbinary children, from the ages of 9 to 19, as they navigated through the process of transitioning to their prefered genders. Some of the kids took hormone blockers to slow down their puberty, others were going through puberty at the time and wanted to transition before it was complete, and one had already gone through puberty and was still taking hormones to transition. The controversy revolving around the documentary focused on whether or Transsexualism. Other families however reject their children and become cold and distant. Transsexuals need constant support from their families in order to function correctly and to have less anxiety and depression. Their anxiety and depression affect every aspect of their lives and every aspect of their families lives. Many families will not accept that their children are transsexual and want to change them, which cause major issues in the child’s life.
When an individual identifies themselves as transgender, it means that they feel that their biological gender does not match with their psychological gender. To put that into a simple man’s term, the individual feels they “were born in the wrong body”. For example, a man feels that he was meant to be born a woman and vise-versa. It does sound rather unusual, but why should that matter? An individual should be able to make his or her own decisions about how they live their life. Unfortunately though, not everyone feels the same way about this. That is how the controversy is created. This is why transgender rights should be strengthened in America not only because it is morally correct, but also because it would ease the lives of the people within this group, reduce the discrimination and harassment rates of transgender individuals, and help establish awareness.
In today's world there are many different sexual identities a person can adhere to, instead of just being heterosexual or homosexual. What a sexual identity is, is how one refers to think of oneself in terms of whom one is romantically or sexually attracted to. A type of sexual identity is when a person both male or female feel like they are inside the wrong body and they wish to have a sex change. Individuals who identify themselves as transgender aren’t usually adults, in some cases it is children who go through the stages of feeling out of place with there bodies and wish to change it. Some people in today's society would find it very odd that children would wish to be in a different body, in order to understand why this is happening you would have to know what exactly is transgender and transsexual, what causes transgenderism, and the early signs of transgenderism. This phenomenon has been around for a very long time and due to the fact that there is a large misunderstanding there is much confusion when faced with it. In order for one to understand how children become transgender or transsexual one must know what transgender and transsexual mean, what causes transgenderism, and the early signs of it and be mentally prepared for what is to come. Most of the responsibility in understanding transgender children falls on the parents of transgender children.
For example, if they decide to become a boy, I will not be able to have the boy sex talk with them because they do not have the matching genitalia with what they feel. Another reason comes from the BuzzFeed video of “What It Means to be Intersex,” they said that doctors told them that it could cause them cancer in the future or that it’s bad for them. But the intersex people knew the doctors would try to make them do the surgery because of cosmetic purposes. If they had the surgery, it might make them conform into a sex category they do not feel right in. For example, if a parent allowed the surgery to make their child female, they would raise them to be girls. The child is then forced to conform to the sex they were assigned because of the surgery allowed by the parents. But by doing this, it might have future consequence if the child is not conforming to how they are being raised. Also according to Preves, “ Individuals who underwent medical sex assignment in childhood experience consistently negative and confusing messages about their bodies and their identities. (Preves 2003)” This can be true because as mentioned before, assigning them a sex without them deciding might not be what they wanted. It will make them feel as if they are in a body that they are not supposed to be in. They also might feel very confused on what they are because they feel a certain way but their body is telling them something else. Something else to consider would be image. Image is based off a societal viewpoint. Doing the surgery would be a way of conforming to the way society would want you. Usually people are categorized into male or female, no in between. Humans are categorized into male or female because it makes things easier for some people. Like Judith Lobber said in Night To His Day, “For an individual, gender construction starts with assignment to a sex category on the basis of what the genitalia looks like
Imagine you are the mother of a small little girl, let 's say around the age of 3 or 4 years old. You and your child are walking through the grocery store,and she says, “I have to go to the bathroom”. You say okay and take her to the bathroom. When you enter the women’s bathroom there are no empty stalls so you wait in line. When finally a person unlocks the door to a stall and walks out. This person is a transgender male. He doesn’t look like a female and your child asks you ,”mom why is that boy in the girls bathroom?” what would you say to your young child? That man is actually not a man,but a man that has become a woman? This is one of the many reasons that I think that Transgenders should have to use the bathroom of the gender they were
Within the recent years, the transgender movement has become more apparent than ever. With television shows like “RuPaul’s Drag Race”, “Keeping It Up With Cait” and “I Am Jazz”, the voices of transgender people are more public than ever. Celebrities like Caitlyn Jenner and Laverene Cox are changing the face of the movement by showing people that it is never too late to be their true selves. American laws are acknowledging the rights of transgender people, but not in a positive way. These are just people trying to be their best selves. Transgender people deserve to have all the rights that a non transgender person has.
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As a parent, you always try to do what is best for your children. You want them to be happy, and you never want to lose them. At some point, you might wonder: How will I react if one of my children is transgender – will I support or leave them? A love between a mother and a daughter may seem as strong as ice in a cooler, but perhaps one alteration can change everything.
I'm coming out! We cannot keep quiet and we cannot ignore the matter at hand any longer, the voices of the LGBTQ (Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals, Transgenders and Question/Queers) community need to be heard! Our friends of the LGBTQ community, are being treated unfairly. Many have suffered the pain of being ridiculed, while others, like Matthew Shepard, the 22-year-old victim of a 1998 hate crime, or the 102 people shot in an Orlando nightclub, have experienced violent acts of hate. A family member of mine was not accepted for who she was by her own mother. A friend of mine, raped because he was too feminine, afraid to go to the police because of his sexual orientation. A co-worker of mine endures taunting, dirty looks and snarky
The same goes for any orientation or identity that a person might have. One would hope that this and future studies could help people understand that it is not a choice and in-turn, would lead more people to be accepting of transgender people. This would lead to legal protections, such as protecting people from being fired merely because of their gender identities, to more accommodations for transgender people such as gender neutral bathrooms in public places and gender neutral housing in colleges, and to safer environments for transgender youth to come out in, instead of feeling as though they have to pretend to be something they’re not. Unfortunately, and also as stated before, there will always be bigots in the world and there will always be people who still stubbornly hold on to the belief that gender identity is a choice. Even if studies such as the one summarized above would open everybody’s eyes to the fact that there is no choice involved in gender identity, that will not stop people from believing it is wrong. As amazing and affirming as this study is for transgender people and their allies, I can’t help but worry that in the wrong hands, people will use this to say that being transgender is a mental disorder that needs to be treated. People could use it to justify conversion therapy or, even worse, to develop ways to change the chemical processes in a person’s brain in an attempt to get said person’s brain to conform to their body. That isn’t to say that research shouldn’t be done, simply that we’ll have to be careful about how it is